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By George Skelton, Capitol Columnist

unholy skeletal monster doing neoliberal chattering with fleshless lips

The tacit message: Allow unionizing or we’ll keep forcing you to spend big money opposing our initiatives.

Here's an explicit message: PMC are class traitors who interact with dialysis patients the same way a mosquito drinks blood from a cow :amber:

Proposition 29’s patient safeguards are needed, he says, because “these are some of the worst providers in the health industry. And these are some of the frailest patients…“There’s a lot of profit gouging.”

Kulaks have no mercy for workers, but cry about their oppression from "the state" lol

But if the situation is that bad, why isn’t the union making a serious effort to pass Proposition 29?

“A million [dollars] is a lot for us,” he adds. “We can’t compete with their $100 million.”

Then why bother? If they’re not going to compete, why enter the arena — except to harass the clinics and force them to spend heavily to protect themselves?

skeletal journo is just asking questions about unions not having money to spare...but he's not questioning the genocidal dictatorship of the bourgeoisie he's collaborating with? California literally helped invent eugenics, and in fact inspired Hitler. Do you think this vermin is asking these hard questions about the demonic human depopulation cheering Jane Fonda wine moms he has brunch with?

“It’s legitimate to try to unionize. Nobody’s disputing that,” says Dr. Bryan Wong, an Oakland kidney specialist who opposes Proposition 29. “But

PMC are holocaust technician class traitors, but,

the way they’re doing that by putting patients in harm’s way, that’s unconscionable.

PMC suddenly cares about patient health despite proudly telling us 24/7 its their job to treat wage slaves as consumers to extract value from.

Proposition 29’s key provision would require that a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant be on site during treatment in a clinic. The industry insists it isn’t necessary because there are already trained nurses and technicians on hand. Each patient also has a kidney specialist who directs treatment. More staff would be superfluous, opponents contend.

PMC: "smash the state! Free association between free producers is true Marxism, not Stalinist totalitarianism. Actually the authoritarian state is nazism, that's how the holocaust happened, it was not willful bourgeois accumulation by capitalists, it was totalitarianism removing individual liberty. Hannah Arendt's PMC innocence project revisionism is so true!" :matt:

also PMC: (innocent Hitler face) "I'm simply trying to achieve the best outcomes by ensuring that there are no doctors, or nurse practitioners or "physicians assistants" (lmao they can't even get fake doctors, what a grift) available in your tri-county area. Having medical professionals is actually harmful to peoples health"

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I don't always understand BMF posts, but when I do, they are 100% correct about every single thing. These dialysis clinics are one of the only forms of socialized medicine in America - they literally get paid by the government to provide a necessary service, and they still want to cut costs by replacing registered nurses with minimum wage "attendants" who will end up doing the exact same job for a fraction of the price.

    Chasing perpetual growth is a mind virus that capitalists inflict upon the rest of us, such that even services for which growth is undesirable must maintain it by any means necessary, even sabotaging their own ability to provide the service that they exist to provide in order to make a line on a chart go up.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    2 years ago

    didn't this already fail with 68% voting "no"

    democracy works! as long as you have $100m dollars

  • Antoine_St_Hexubeary [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    unholy skeletal monster doing neoliberal chattering with fleshless lips

    Suddenly overcome with the urge to write reviews of Frank Zappa's first dozen-or-so albums and argue that this is what the xylophone represents

  • turgidanklebrace [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    PMC Ghoul: no u can't leverage your limited levers of power against overwhelming financial forces u have to fight fair

    Union: sounds like someone wants to spend another hundred million defeating a ballot initiative

  • NPa [he/him]
    2 years ago

    James Arch-Lich, 943, is an exciting up-and-coming writer for Dungeon Weekly

  • FoolishFool [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Opponent's had more ad money (As in any ad money. I don't recall seeing a single pro-29 ad anywhere, whilst I saw plenty of anti-29 ones), portrayed the law as "SHUTTING DOWN DIALYSIS CLINICS FOR LITERALLY NO REASON!!!", and then it lost by a very comfortable margin unfortunately.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      2 years ago

      shit sucks fam. It's a pretty clear demonstration of how democracy doesn't function under capitalism though.