You love to see the circular firing squad of :fash-infighting:

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    2 years ago

    If Tim Pool makes you sound rational even if he's just covering his ass (which is a rational self interest) you're just fucked. Straight up fucked.

  • Spike [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    He has hundreds of millions to billions of dollars and is still upset its not enough and blames Jews for this :brainworms:

    • Barabas [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Think he legitimately believes he'd be president if "they" weren't holding him back.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      There's an old Trumpism about how he is sitting in a limo with Ivanka back in the 90s, during one of his bigger slumps. He points to a homeless man on a street corner and tells his daughter, "I have a billion dollars less than that man". Decades later, Hillary Clinton bragged that she was one of the poorest people who ever ran for President by citing some quarter billion in campaign debts. Both incidents really changed how I saw the idea of wealth in the Western sense.

      Rather than being a measure of one's personal capital/currency accumulation, I've begun to see it as one's institutionally perceived credit-worthiness. The amount of material wealth you possess promises a certain future level of passive income relative to the performance of the overall economy. But your real ability to exert that wealth as spending power stems from your ability to borrow against it. Everyone from Mark Zuckerberg to Warren Buffet is ultimately a slave to the lending markets. If they are ostracized from the system, they can't readily access currency without liquidating assets. They're exposed to all sorts of short-term price shocks and personal liabilities.

      When you're in a business as mercurial and illiquid as the music industry, I imagine this problem is even more pronounced. So much of your ability to call on personal spending power is bound up in your perceived revenue-generating capacity. And that is, in turn, predicated on your connections within the industry.

      TL;DR; A guy like Kanye really is only a billionaire on paper. His ability to command his wealth is entirely predicated on access to credit cards and other forms of debt/financing. And these debtors are undoubtedly rapacious, particularly when confronted with a guy who commands such enormous cash flows in such an unstable state of mind.

      All this shit could vanish under his feet in an instant. That kind of precarity must be absolutely hellish for a normal person, much less one who wasn't all the way there to begin with.

  • solaranus
    11 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The room didn't just spontaneously combust. Tragic:deeper-sadness:

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I watched the clip leading up to this ( it's in the comments somewhere). Even engaging just a little bit with this, thinking about who worse, why are they saying what they're saying, every part of that engagement is antisemitic and I feel bad for watching

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That wall katana and le pirate pistol and le rock guitar instrument. DAE LE SJWS ALWAYS VIRTUE SIGNALING?! :data-laughing:

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Kanye's made his bed and has his new fanbase that will probably never buy his music but will share his social media posts all over their Facebook feeds. That footage of him at Mar-A-Lago with the little white kids telling him to "smile" was pathetically sad.

    • Shoegazer [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Fuentes is a huge kanye dweeb. A lot of rich white kids are into rap but are still racist. But as long as Kanye keeps pushing out albums I don't think he's gonna suffer unless he unironically runs for president again and spends actual money on campaigns and paying Milo and Fuentes lol

  • culpritus [any]
    2 years ago

    this is just really sad, I really had no scenario in my head where right wing shit head with a beanie would be talking to Kanye as a guest, but here we are

    • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      I don't really know much about Kanye, but he comes across as legitimately mentally ill here. Fuentes and Milo are pretty clearly taking advantage of him to advance their own garbage.

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        he's absolutely mentally ill. diagnosed and on-and-off medicated for it. He also takes recreational drugs with his medication. I believe he's been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

  • Red_Left_Hand [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Just like the Satre essay about antisemitism. "If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past"

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    You love to see the circular firing squad of :fash-infighting:

    I'd rather see all three nazis in front of an actual firing squad

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Honestly, would have settled for Ye giving Tim the old :chris-rocked:

      But :fuckin-deserve: would have been fun, too.

  • Discopanda [he/him]
    2 years ago

    So uhm what are Ye's political views on like uhm, everything? Climate change, cost of living crisis, right wing terror, you know basic stuff. What does he want to achieve?

    • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
      2 years ago

      Seems like he's doing basic fascism; identify negative effects of capitalism (in Kanye's case, capitalists use disproportionate power to force you to accept shitty deals, the law enables them to screw you even further), attribute it to oppressed group (jews), implying that their actions are a deviation from the good status quo. Add other petty booj brainworms.

      • Discopanda [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It will be really hard for him to get any votes. I think, maybe I'm wrong and in 2024 Kanye will be the next president of the US, why the hell not? In case of Trump, he got into perfect storm of weaponised mass disillusionment with the elites. What are target demographics for Kanye? Libs won't vote for him beacause of antisemitism, he's no Obama, right-wing convservatists won't vote for him because he's black and he doesn't want to support Israel. I don't thing he thought this through.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      So uhm what are Ye’s political views on like uhm, everything? Climate change, cost of living crisis, right wing terror, you know basic stuff. What does he want to achieve?

      More for himself, of everything. He says it himself: he is a god. :cringe:

    • dead [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Kanye is a Christian Nationalist. He wants the US to be a Christian theocracy. He said that he hates Jewish people because they "don't believe Jesus is Lord". There was an interview with paparazzi 2 days ago that he told them this.

      kanye interview cw antisemitism

    • dead [he/him]
      2 years ago

      this is the full podcast. kanye walks out at 21 minutes.

      cw tim pool, milo, nick fuentes, kanye, antisemitism, etc

      • ComradeGuts [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I made the mistake of reading youtube comments, and this whole thing probably attracted flies to shit but with Dave Chappele coming in with the BS on SNL... I feel like there is a weird cultural acceptance for antisemitism that's really concerning. I don't know where we're going from here, I can only hope that this is a flash in the pan kind of thing....

        Edit: also big WTF as him comparing himself to MLK... come on

        • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
          2 years ago

          tin-foil hat on, this is done by CIA/FBI to make any criticism of israel get overrun by antisemitism, as well as push minorities against each other and enforce break-down in relations between traditionally "city" minorities(kinda vague but you know what I mean.) They've been pushing the urban rural divide, so if they can get the city to splinter there's jsut no working class solidarity.

          tin-foil hat off, rich people get mad at other rich people and enjoy being racist. Racism towards Asian people doesn't have as much of an edge to it since it's the state department line and kinda standard, so this one has enough history to be fun and have a following but is distinct enough to be edgy.

    • solaranus
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • ComradeGuts [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Wow it's pretty clear that pim was talking about the press, and they just took it as "The Jews" jesssuus christ

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Trump won't let Kanye be his VP. For a few reasons I think. Trump isn't willing to lean into Antisemitism as openly as Kanye is. Mainly because he has a Jewish son-in-law and has always been a big supporter of Israel. (not to equate israel with jews, just saying the american political system does this). Another reason I think Trump won't let Kanye be his VP is because Kanye has just as big of an ego as Trump. Kanye loves to interrupt people, take over a conversation that wasn't about him, and so on. Trump wants a VP he can control, not a VP who will try to control him.

      Also Trump just doesn't trust black people in administrative roles. There are multiple quotes from the early 1990s attributed to him in this regard.

      • Candidate [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Trump is the kind of anti-semitie that society deems acceptable - he thinks they do actually control everything via a secretive cabal, but he thinks "they're doing a fantastic... really tip top job. Very fair, very fair."

      • Spectre_of_Z_poster [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Also, Trump knows he needs to give the traditional GOP conservative something, he needs to throw them a bone. He will get another boring old reactionary like Pence, because otherwise the double wildcard combo is too risky