My lust for women is a lurking, cunning creature that understands how and where to kill me

I feel like I’m dying. Every time I think my pornography addiction is healing, this Gollum-esque creature I call Lust returns from the shadows. It waits till I get weary and shut my eyes. It creeps over, silent, slithering over stones and vines, watching my still form with glinting eyes.

This creature called Lust slowly, deliberately unsheathes a thin dagger. It isn’t quite strong enough to murder me when I’m awake, because I could savor its death, slowly suffocating it in my grasp.

Instead, it uses wit and cunning, waiting till I’m vulnerable. It takes that dagger and stabs into my neck, over and over. By the time I realize I’m under attack, a half dozen holes in my neck are spewing blood. All I can managed is a strangled gurgle, as this bony creature looks down on me with a grin.

I despise it. If given the chance, I would kill this malnourished, miserable creature with a cruel satisfaction. I want to watch its ribs pop, one by one. I want to watch it screech in pain as I slowly, deliberately drive a stake through its neck. I fantasize of watching the life fade from its eyes. But I can’t. It scampers around in the woods, fleeing when I give chase.

But always, I get tired. I sit down. I take a nap. And the creature which could never take me in a fair fight gets to watch my gurgling cry for help.



  • CrimsonSage [any]
    2 years ago

    Is pornography addiction a thing? Like I see conservatives talk about it, but l think they think any masturbation is like doing heroin or something.

    • CommunistBarbie [she/her]
      2 years ago

      No. They’re just cumbrained, feel guilty, and are pathologizing themselves.

      Porn addiction is as real as addiction to any other media or behavior. You could in theory wind up with a compulsion or something, but it’s not really an addiction.

      What does happen to a lot of chuds is that they’re taught their libido and emotions are demonic. Then every time they’re horny, they feel like they’ve morally failed. They then associate guilt, self-loathing, and failure with getting off. Tie that in with misogyny and blaming women for their own “failures” and yeah :yikes:

      Basically it’s a self fulfilling recipe for winding up as a fuckwad.

      It’s entirely something people can work through too, but most won’t when they think it’s how god wants them to be.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        2 years ago

        I remember pre transition there really wasn't any way to be "addicted." I would occasionally feel horny, I would "take care of it" and that would be that until the feeling came back a few days later. Like there wasn't any more of an addiction than eating regular meals was an addiction.

        • CommunistBarbie [she/her]
          2 years ago

          Yeah, similar. I think that (guilt => orgasm reward => guilt) loop is what gets to religious people like this.

          It’s useful for controlling people and getting them to invest in patriarchal systems, so conservatives don’t address it.

          • drhead [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Yeah, this is why I don't really like the :volcel-judge: stuff. Conservatives have very successfully sold this narrative to a much broader group of people to the point where quite a large amount of zoomers actually believe in this shit or otherwise internalize aspects of it. People don't know the damage they're doing. Not only does it help reinforce patriarchal systems, but people coming from sexually repressive backgrounds make up a large majority of abusers and people with paraphilic disorders. While I'm sure most of these people think they're fixing the problem, they're actually making it worse.

              • drhead [he/him]
                2 years ago

                There's definitely a line between wanting people to not post that kind of stuff here and outright harboring and expressing negative attitudes towards sex in general. And I'm not talking about just here, but I do see people crossing that line here on occasion.

                I'm also not the only one who has noticed this trend and attributed it to zoomers either since I have seen older queer people call this stuff out too:

    • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Yeah. It certainly is. Jerkin it every once and a while is normal, 12 times a day is not.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      2 years ago

      it's not recognized by mainstream addiction science. people who believe they have a porn addiction typically don't actually watch more porn than average, but they do feel much worse about it, and tend to associate negative feelings from other problems (such as depression or loneliness) with porn use.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Sex :geordi-no:

    Gory bloody violence :geordi-yes:

    That poster is a true Khorne follower.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows.

      Except menstrual blood. Khorne does not like that.

  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    2 years ago

    my brother in christ it is okay to look at pornography

    btw, i have attended fundamentalists sermons that sounded exactly like this in order to shame teenagers for liking sex

    i'm guessing this dude comes from the same world. learned self-abuse sadly

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Notice how sex is so utterly monstrous to him yet all that weird bloody gory violent imagery is just fine in his mindset.

      Fundies, Tradcaths included, are Khorne followers that especially hate Slaanesh.

      • JamesConeZone [they/them]
        2 years ago

        yeah, if this dude's experience is anything like mine, violence is glorified as an inherently masculine (=desirable) trait, so everything is a battle and everything is life and (a brutal) death. Like people would think it's laudable that he's "conquering" or "defeating" his human desires. it seriously fucked me up, and i had to go to a sex therapist for years to figure out if i was asexual or just terrified of sex from trauma. not everyone had that experience, but this language definitely hits home especially the use of gratuitous violence to describe being horny

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    2 years ago

    That's how I feel sometimes. I didn't ask to feel attracted to people and it adds a lot of complexity to my thoughts and makes me very anxious. This is kind of dramatic though

    I'm not a religious weirdo just some other kind

    • CommunistBarbie [she/her]
      2 years ago

      If this is helpful: Libido and romantic feelings are two separate mechanisms.

      There are ace people who are aromantic, romantic people who don’t have high libidos, and people with libidos who are aromantic. Both are along a spectrum / sliding scale and not binary.

      I’m probably not phrasing this well because I have a migraine, but figured I’d comment with that.

      I didn’t make that distinction until like a year ago and when I did I felt a lot less like I was cursed lol

      • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Absolutely, but I feel weird about feeling sexual or romantic attraction to other people

        I think the root of this is that in school I had a crush on my best friend, who did not take well to that information. I assumed this would happen so I would deny that I liked her all the time publically, but then she asked me directly. Also I'm a very anxious person so I think my mind's takeaway from that is to try to avoid any kind of attraction

        I've been thinking about this more since I'm looking more into social anxiety and ADHD.

        Anyways thanks for listening :meow-hug:

  • Poogona [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I hate the way he writes. Read his descriptions of what the beast does to him, and what he'd like to do to it. It's the same as any piece of writing you'd have to peer review in high school.

    Why is lust stabbing his neck? Why would lust try to kill him in the first place? You'd think this demon of lust would be tormenting him in some other, more subversive way, all to hijack his senses and make him do something he dreads. But no, the demon is being mean and knifing him in the woods or something. And the way he wants to kill it is just edgy shit with the kind of bog standard "grisly details" he learned from video game lore text.

    This is what happens when you have complicated/strong emotions and you have no vocabulary to help conceptualize them, and so you boil it all down to fighting bad guys. It's "read another book" but for christians instead of potter-libs.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 years ago

    "I didn't do it, this demon did it."

    There is no end to repression and dodging responsibility.

    • Phish [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Nah it couldn't be that one. He doesn't post on his own sub.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I love when they mix pathologies. Here you get tradcaths mixed with repressed homosexuality mixed with general reactionaries. It's like a particle accelerator for new kinds of Guy.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I can read all of that in Jordan Peterson's voice and it is uncanny. :jordan-eboy-peterson: