honestly still amazed that Zuck's metaverse avatar looks more human than actual, rl Zuck
Zuck probably wouldn't look so weird if he'd give up on that ridiculous hair cut he insists on. Making fun of him always bothers me because he's just one weird looking dude in a world full of weird looking dudes, but it isn't looking weird that makes him such a fucking menace.
He looks like a kid who is nine out of ten insults before breaking down in tears.
If he wasn't such a prick I'd venture to guess that he was some kind of weird kid who probably caught a lot of shit in middle school. He's so painfully awkward I can't imagine he wasn't subject to some degree of bullying. Fortunately he sold his soul to satan to turn a 'Hot or not" website in to more wealth than the nation of Costa Rica so I don't have to care about him as a person.
Every time I see metaverse shit, I thank god for not making zucc a furry.
If Zucc was a furry the metaverse would be the most beautiful, lush, intoxicating snesorial experience imaginable. You'd log in and be like "God damn that is the most enchantingly animated fox person I have ever seen". Every single one of those 15 billion dollars would shine.
But he's not, so he can't actually understand the appeal of virtual reality, no matter how hard he tries.
he can’t actually understand the appeal of virtual reality
Exactly. He's a ultra-wealthy prick in a society that venerates wealth. He can functionally do anything he wants to. He doesn't need VR.
He's sitting on his throne of platinum plated skulls on the private hawaiian island he stole eating roast panda thinking "Damn I wonder what the proles want? I bet it's to wear a big headset and stare at their badly animated cartoon boss as they sit in a four hour meeting that could have been an e-mail".
so uh
i may have worked at paradox for a bit, not on the games specifically though
ama i guess
and nah like half are socialists. management is dicks though. theres a joke that for every shitty thing management does the more communist stuff they put in games
How much suffering is the dev team constantly feeling due to their fan base? I imagine the hoiv team must feel some real dread
LMAO, that is also my policy about the paradox foruns, they are no joke the first place i came across some real nazis when i was younger, i just wanted some tips about EUIV!
people are told not to look at the forums sober and alone
This is good advice for our modteam.
Does Johan go on unhinged anti-piracy rants behind closed doors?
I only talked with Johan a couple of times but its more of a thing marketing is obsessed with not the devs
in fact a lot of devs pirate things just to look at how other people did certain mechanics in other games
marketing is obsessed with
I remember back when the record industry was trying to destroy Napster (this was like in 341bc before we invented iPhones and dogs) and there were studies coming out showing pretty conclusively that piracy increased record industry profits by introducing media to new markets, while the people who did pirate things were overwhelmingly people who were too poor to by them. But despite more or less having proof that pirating both increased their sales and that pirating did not take any sales away from them they still went on a berserk rampage against file sharing that has had consequences to this day.
To me it's one of the strongest examples that capital will forgo profit in order to maintain social control.
My buddy got so much cool ass foreign music off Napster before it got killed. It was an awesome time to be 16. We burned so many mix cds just packed with tracks. Gotta fill up those 80 minutes! What only 78 minutes? Cram one last 1:30 hard-core punk song in there. Waste not - want not.
In some ways it was terrible, but in other ways there was a glorious, wild lawlessness to it. Mystery and danger, exploration and wonder. Impossible connections with people a world away.
The miracle of the 99 minute CD would not have been wasted on you.
EUV when? Must be hard to handle a fanbase whose vocal components are 75% fash and 10% libs and 15% socialist. But I guess the devs don't have to deal with that as much.
There was a big conversation about some sort of Warhammer expansion for Stellaris (mostly because GW hands out licenses like candy) which sounded fun to me but sounds like a pipe dream, was more like a big musing, which are kinda common. How games are decided on is more of a 'does this person with project experience want to do something and want to commit 3-4 years on it? ok, lets do it.' rather than any sort of set plan, which is a fun way to do things that keeps motivation high. Most people just vibe though
Top right is Genshin Impact. Pretty sure centre right is Black Myth: Wukong, which is coming out next year
Yeah, it's kinda dumb they missed Dead Cells, Dwarf Fortress, Tetris and included games optimized to financially ruin people's lives.
Also that they missed Star Citizen, Cyberpunk: 2077, every series that EA murdered, etc.
Cyberpunk 2077 is the second image on the left side. You can tell by the icon.
He hasn't said much about politics and his economic simulation back in like 2010 suggested he didn't know much about economics, but he did everything in his power to make the game free for as long as possible.
Also the game itself is pretty anti-monarchist and used to be anti-capitalist in the sense that capitalism would inevitably ruin a fortress when the workers ran out of money to buy food and pay rent, but the economic simulation was removed.
Also there's "Liberal Crime Squad", which is every "the world that exists in conservative's heads" meme.
Yeah it's kinda wacky that the prime socialist game is supposed to be a gacha game? I thought these microtransactions were predatory
Anime girl with bear ears looks like Arknights too, so this checks out
Black Myth: Wukong
I'm actually kinda hype for it. Not enough to pre-order it, but enough to keep track of it and see how it does when it comes out. Same deal with "Where Winds Meet".
wow these both look pretty cool - glad to see some fresh ideas in this genre of games
Yeah, to us Wuxia is a whole completely unexplored world of content that we've barely scratched the surface of with Kung fu flicks.
Arknights is Socialist
If it were, maybe it wouldn't be a gacha that runs on FOMO.
Top right is Genshin, middle right is Wukong, both games made by capitalist firms in China.
Genshin is F2P and therefore, by the logic of :frothingfash:, is Radical Ultraorthodox Marxism.
Black Myth: Wukong is developed by Game Science Interactive Technology Co., Ltd., a company made up of a number of Tencent developers with a bunch of spare cash they earned docking people's Social Credit Scores from their villainous perch at the most authoritarian country in the history of the world. So, again, very obviously Super-Maoist.
capitalist side is very cool and innovative, commie side looks like a bunch of freeloading hippies :wojak-nooo:
Talulah , from Arknights (same game as the bear girl). IIRC she's the leader of a terrorist organization that is fighting for equality but "goes too far". To some degree this is because
she's possessed by a demon.