Also we have more in common with the members of the axis of resistance than we do with these so-called reform & "revolution socialists"


BTW this is the same bunch that spat in Cuba's face

      2 months ago

      They’re trots. To them the transitional method is gospel. They think that you can trick libs into supporting revolution if you make enough reformist demands. It’s idealism pure and simple.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    2 months ago

    how tf you read reform and revolution and come to the conclusion that the answer was "reform"?

    • davel [he/him]
      2 months ago

      thesis: reform
      antithesis: revolution
      synthesis: pmc cover for crakkker imperialism

    • Babs [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Read? The DSA does not require its members to read theory.

        2 months ago

        The DSA is a deeply unserious grouping of bickering libs without enough structure or dignity to call it an org

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      2 months ago

      it's reform OR revolution

      DSA decided to create a contradictory incoherent group where they stir everything into one large pot

      • T34_69 [none/use name]
        1 month ago

        DSA decided to create a contradictory incoherent group where they stir everything into one large pot


    • Maoo [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      It's just a Luxemburg reference that sounded good to them. This also roughly describes the strength of all of their analyses.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Lmao this clown ass group again. You can tell this is a group that will talk big about theory and then proceed to use none of the theory they allegedly know.

    This is the big difference between a NATO leftist and a standard liberal. The lib sees themselves as on the left but make it clear that they aren’t socialist/Communist/Anarchist, often dismissing them as unrealistic and naive.

    The NATO leftist is like this group and sincerely see themselves as radicals. They’ll argue with you forever on how they’re comrades while using lib talking points. They also love cynically using idpol.

        • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
          2 months ago

          Tbf it seemed there were a great many people in CPUSA who were decent marxists, the kinds getting off the ground theoretically but with a solid enough basis that I don't think they'd make glaring errors like this, it's largely the failures of leadership and coordination that hamper it from my (admittedly brief) experience.

          • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            To be fair to them, they don't go around spitting in their hosts faces nor try to meet with anti-communist forces in their host's yard, sure. But that's pretty much the only positive thing I'll say about them.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 months ago

    reform and revolution


    At this point attempting reform in the us is just collaboration with the regime.

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    2 months ago

    this seems to be the current vibe of the US radlibs. I got forwarded a very concerned message by a friend about the recent campus protests about how you have to be careful who you associate with because they saw people in the organizing group chats saying "the october 7th attacks were cool and liberationist" (along with asking for better masking to be inclusive of immunocompromised ppl). When they weren't directly quoting/paraphrasing they described these people as "openly supporting killing israeli civilians".

    I had to try so hard to not be like :waow-based:

    ended up basically just saying to the person who forwarded it to me that "be careful who you associate with" was a huge red flag to me and that abandoning protests whose aims you agree with because some people there took a more radical position than you seemed counterproductive

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    These are DSA Trots. Literally a group from Socialist Alternative that wanted to do entryism but SA wasn't on board so they just did it anyways and left SA to do stupid things in the DSA.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      For trots, they do seem very anti internationalist lol. Saying that allying with groups and governments in other countries who are directly opposing Israel militarily is "self-marginalising and a dead end"

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        depends on the group. theres a exclusively pro-cuba trot group out there, as well as that trot group that PSL split from. theres some wildly diverging perspectives among that bunch to be sure

      • Maoo [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        For a lot of Trot orgs internationalism just means finding Trots in other countries and then implying they're the people to believe when it comes to conditions on the ground.

        There is an 80% chance this particular group has been citing or will cite "Palestinian trade unions" as their allies or the people from whom a call to action has been made. And when they do that, it really means 7 Trots in Palestine, 2 of them being Westerners trying to create a revolution by "democratizing" some random union in The West Bank.

        Referencing "trade unions" in this way is one of those signifiers, an accidental dog whistle, that flags someone as a Trotskyist. They'll use the same line and tactic to attack Cuba or China or again, basically any target of US empire they can be ultra about, by giving the authority of the workers' movement to a small number of independent trade unionists with 20% good actions and 80% bad.

        Also they think statements like these are very important. The idea, "maybe this should be an internal criticism" is unfathomable and against their core principles of gathering the working public behind their glorious rhetoric.

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      Little did we know, it was just one guy with access to all the ballistic missiles in Yemen and Iran, referred to as "The Houthi" by US intelligence. A "Rocket Man", if you will. Trump just confused "The Houthi" with Kim Jung Un in one of his dementia ridden speeches after visiting the DPRK.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Very specific and limited solidarity with people who despite your fundamental disagreements, would further your cause to a degree by pursuing theirs should be pretty easy to understand. Why is it you only count as an Adult in the Room when you're in favor of doing a piss poor job of it? Being okay with Hamas getting a real W on Isreal stops both a war crime in state form from being around but also creates a slightly more multicolor world where it's both easier to gain sway and also a Hamas run Palestine would still be an enemy to communism but a WAYYYYY weaker one. See how this temporary alliance not only helps accomplish a short term goal but leaves the enemy we had to temporarily ally with as an easier obstacle to overcome than the initial enemy? Now let's look at Afghanistan. There's numerous others, but it seems like libs are way worse at this the enemy of my enemy stuff cause they have no long term plan. Ask a Lib to recall events from 20 years back or predict events 20 years in the future. They can't because they're golden retriever brained and will think because you moved your arm in the same gesture, you threw the ball.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      These are the kind of Trot that thinks you can trick liberals into supporting "communists" (the Trots) by hitting a few key issues but bending over backwards to avoid offending the liberals in any way lest they become alienated. They are also ultras so this is a very easy thing for them to practice by condemning virtually every target of the US State Department.

      When liberals asked, "do you condemn Hamas?" they answer(ed), "absolutely! They're the worst! Want to buy a newsletter?"

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        2 months ago

        'Do you condemn Hamas?' also really means 'do you condemn the actions on October 7th?' If you say yes but mean you entirely support everything Hamas is for. Subtlety is only to be applied to the oppressor. I don't Support Hamas, but I certainly support their attacks. I won't apologize or shrink from the in any way at all. The same people that will say you need to vote the lesser of two evils can't understand that a government led by people youndont really align with running a nation thet should have had sovereignty for almost a century now under sovereignty is good enough for the time being. That's setting realistic and humanitarian goals, thsts being the adults in the room. Iran Contra deathsquad funding ghouls who went on to support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have absolutely no moral ground to stand on to lecture about the lesser evil cause they've picked the greater evil at every chance. Fucking swine

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Would a Hamas run Palestine even be an enemy to Communism? their predecessors and many of the people in their coalition are explicityly socialist and they have decent relations with AES states like China and Vietnam.

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            2 months ago

            The PFLP was crushed and the Muslim brotherhood associated Hamas was raised in its place more or less by America/Israel. Hamas aren't the PFLP and have very opposing general ideology. There's members that went from one to the other cause it's a desperate game and you go with the resistance that's in town. But there's a reason it's these guys, it's cause they also kinda suck and it's easier PR for Israel to fight Islamic fundamentalists than secular socialists. They aren't the same organization and aren't by any measure an ideal government to tske hold of a united Palestine, but they're the guys we have.

  • robinnn [he/him]
    2 months ago

    My poster in Christ you are the one self-marginalizing!