Inverting as many things as possible about Disco Elysium would involve a story about an exceptional ubermensch born into greatness with a vast harem of doting fawning waifus obsessing about his greatness where pretty much everything is possible and all threats are just relatively easy obstacles to overcome with more destiny and more greatness, with an undercurrent of "bad people are bad because they resent the great one's greatness."

... Shit, is the opposite of Disco Elysium Sword Art Online? :pathetic:

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm going to go ahead and say the Warcraft series.

    There's good races and bad races. There's science races and greedy races (ok I get this is common in games). The good guys are hyper Christian, blonde, and patriarchal. "I will cleanse this land" is a quote. The world is hyper monarchal . Oh ya, in Warcraft 2, you put down a literal peasant revolt of your own peasants.

    Fuck I'm old.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      For a little while the sex pest chuds at Blizzard (the sex pest chuds were there from the start, the facts are known now) tried to romanticize Orcs the same way that post-colonial white guilt romanticized First Nations that they slaughtered previously. But even then that had to be rolled back by having an ultra chuddy new Warchief that of course the Alliance playing cryptofascists thought was "based" while also generally seeing him as an enemy.

      I stopped playing around Cataclysm, but last I checked it was a hot mess of the Alliance jerking itself off and the Horde being made to be the scary bad barbarians again.

      • Goblinmancer [any]
        1 year ago

        Its so funny that horde is not supposed to be the "evil" side yet they replaced the evil warchief with the undead girlboss war criminal.

        • macabrett
          1 year ago

          I saw the cutscene of her doing war crimes burning down the tree. Did that ever resolve into anything meaningful or was she just blatantly evil?

          • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
            1 year ago

            Sylvanas was always a war criminal girlboss, but her character used to be at least coherent. She was cold and ruthless, but cunning. She wanted to preserve the Undead and even went so far as to raise the dead herself, which itself was considered extremely unethical. She was totally fine with committing atrocities against any other race.

            She was a fan favorite, I really liked her too, not because I think using chemical weapons of mass destruction is epic but she was just a really cool villain.

            Until Blizzard decided to abandon everything and turn her into uhh... whatever she became. Her becoming war chief made 0 sense because she barely ever pretended to have real loyalty towards the horde. Then she burned down the tree because she forgot that she was a cold and calculating character, then they wanted to infamously portray her as moRAlLy GrAy (evil but looking sad about it sometimes, which doesn't fit her character either) and then uhhh... guys, she was just mind-controlled the whole time!

            Good lord, I hate how they butchered Sylvanas. I just want my edgy undead war criminal girl boss waifu back.

              • zan [she/her]
                1 year ago

                While Illidan is off busy being a prison cop.

          • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            Sylvanas was apparently being mind controlled for the past several expansions which took all of her agency in being a war crime enjoyer but she still took responsibility for what she had done while mind controlled. She goes into self imposed exile to the spirit realm as penance and has to save a bunch of lost souls or some shit before she can return to the physical plane.

        • SerLava [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Funny enough they made a playable clone race / different tribe of different trolls just a few years ago and they're basically wakanda

    • Deadend [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Just world of Warcraft alone is the opposite.

      Huge world vs small, history that makes no sense, no real decisions to make as a character, no real npcs, everything is combat, cluttered UI.

      The ideology of the game is that races alignment is more important than material, everyone will always be at war, it’s impossible for orcs to be friends with humans.

      The monarchies/religion parts, but also the gods are 100% real and physically exist, there is no mystery as even knowledge of life after death is established, and there are true enemies who are evil demons.

      Disco Elysium is the anti Wow.

    • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      warcraft has the problem of it's prominent writers having pet characters
      see sylvanas going from random elf war crime enjoyer to unkillable godlike girlboss who the plot revolves around

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      1 year ago

      When I was a teenager I played WoW all the time but hardly paid attention to any lore or story and then one day decided to start actually reading the story that got us there and immediately went “Oh so the Horde are unquestionably the good guys, fuck humans as per usual”