
I hope everyone had a great week last week. Hopefully this one turns out even better for everyone.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    5 months ago

    I've been stuck in a first aid refresher course all day with a bunch of decrepit twats from the local côr meibion who threw a fit about the gender options on the forms that were handed 'round.

    I swear to God if I hear one more fucker say,

    CW: transphobia

    "There's only two genders and if you're somehow confused about what one you are, look in your trousers."

    , the class' gonna get a live example of how to treat lacerations.

    Death to cishets, etc, etc.

    • SnowySkyes
      5 months ago

      I’m not gonna lie, but I would be openly hostile towards these people and probably get thrown out. These fuckers need reeducated in the gulag. But I am heavily combative with this shit and probably why I’ll never have stable work.

      • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
        5 months ago

        There are not words for how badly I wanted to throw hands but, like, kicking the shit out of a couple of the old men who sing at funerals would get me a bit more than dirty looks around town so... What could I do really?

        During the lunch break, the bloke administering the classes went on this rant about Vaughn Gething conspiring against whites, so I didn't have much hope for help there either.

        • SnowySkyes
          5 months ago

          I didn’t mean physical assault, but rather berating them and being an asshole. Making sure they regret their life choices.