Bonus: "Left" anti-Communists love to act like they're experts in Marxism and MLs don't know anything because that's what their communal circlejerk says.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    a year ago

    stupid inflammatory bullshit

    "anyway my dms are open if you wanna make content for me so i can get paid for being a stupid asshole"

    • RNAi [he/him]
      a year ago


      We need a pixelated bait emoji

  • cynesthesia
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    a year ago

    Great business model she has going.

    Step 1: Make people mad on Twitter by saying dumb provocative shit.

    Step 2: Search through your QTs and challenge people calling you a dumbfuck wrecker to come provide content for your online debate stream without compensation

    Step 3: Either get free content to earn money from, or claim victory by default.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      a year ago

      2.5 - Edit the shit out of any "debate"

    • AsleepInspector
      a year ago

      Nah, Step 3 will be more monetized content via shitting on the person for their so-called "shit opinion", ala Luna Oi.

      "Can you actually believe this? Unbelievable."

        • AsleepInspector
          a year ago

          Had informed opinions about communist countries that Keffals might skim the Wikipedia of, if lucky, imo.

        • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
          a year ago

          I think they probably meant that she was someone who was personally attacked, rather than suggesting she was one perpetuating this behavior

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        a year ago

        Its different if they're agitating another content creator and can do a long term "feud", I'm seeing Keffals go into random 9-5 workers replies requesting they go on her stream and debate her.

        • AsleepInspector
          a year ago

          That's what's even shittier about it. Whatever opinion is said, regardless of it's credibility or conciceness, will be like, "Woah, fuck that [x follower] weirdo, loll.."

          I don't see why she insists on punching down.

          • Asa_the_Red [he/him]
            a year ago

            I don’t see why she insists on punching down.

            Because its easy content/money for someone with a moderately large following

    • Kuori [she/her]
      a year ago

      lol goddammit, i came and made this same comment but worse

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    a year ago

    This kind of stuff becomes white noise after you reach a certain age as a leftist and have decades of this kind of shit being said as if it's original.

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      a year ago

      "No, you Communists don't understand - I once saw a construction worker scratch his ass on the job, so anything further left than what we have right now is impossible. If only you'd seen what I've seen..."

  • MC_Kublai [none/use name]
    a year ago

    Glad to see that everyone in the replies is clowning on her, hopefully her 10 seconds of goodwill has run out and the grift falls flat on its face

    • BidensGranddaughter [none/use name]
      a year ago

      Agreed, but as long as no one is falling for her debate baits, I think it does a little good to clown on them, on our own terms. Their whole shtick is to rope in radlibs while pretending to be "the serious/actual Left" or whatever, so the more we can shine a light on their grift the more we can hopefully steer people away from their pipelines. Or, at least, keep other sincere/well-meaning leftists from engaging in debates, thus depriving them of content.

      Like, if half your content is trying to stir up drama with MLs and the MLs just keep responding with, "lol cry about cuba more, loser," that's gonna make your content look stale and weird and desperate.

  • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
    a year ago

    It's so fucking funny that a woman whose "job" is jingling keys for a bunch of 20 year olds who think they're radical because they held their nose when they voted for Joe Biden is doing the "this is just an aesthetic for you" thing.

  • Flinch [he/him]
    a year ago

    reminder that keffals stopped being a communist because she witnessed a nurse in Cuba taking a smoke break, true story

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      a year ago


      "I believed in the class struggle until I saw a bus driver pick his nose. Now I post on the Neoliberal sub with an IMF flair. I'll never forgive those Communists for tricking me."

      • Shoegazer [he/him]
        a year ago

        Specifically, it’s because her party chapter leader said no one smokes in Cuba ??? And then one day she saw a random person smoke and that broke her brain

        It’s the equivalent of being a foreigner and hearing “everyone in America is fat” and going to New York and seeing a skinny guy jogging and becoming anti capitalist because of that

  • RNAi [he/him]
    a year ago

    I, for the sake of argument, love DPRK gay cops,

    You love Northen Ireland gay cops

    We are not the same

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        a year ago

        During the Keffals/KF kerfuffle back in September, she moved to Occupied Ireland to get far enough away from Canada that chanlord internet stalkers would have a harder time doxxing and finding her. They still did, and tried to SWAT her at the apartment building where she was staying. When the cops showed up and didn't immediately misgender and deadname her and start shooting at anything that resembled a dog, she was genuinely surprised and commented on it in a stream. It's in the second chapter of this video, around the 4 minute mark where she starts talking about it (the beginning of the video adds some context):

        She basically says that she feels safer around Northern Ireland cops than elsewhere in Europe or North America because they were pretty restrained in her interactions with them, and called it "refreshing."

        This is less than a month before she started trying to stir shit with Luna Oi.

        Edit: Corrected the bit about who called the cops on whom, and when she made the comments in the video.

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    a year ago

    and people said Marxist-Leninism is a failure, we live rent free in people's head

  • Awoo [she/her]
    a year ago

    Is it just me or is projection generally getting stronger and stronger in these internet personalities these days? It feels really heavily like people are well aware of what they're doing too, like it's literally just "accuse the other person of being and doing exactly what I am".

    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
      a year ago

      I'm sure projection plays a part, but I think the echo chamber/circlejerk is the biggest contributing factor. Having spent a fair amount of time in RadLib communities, they love to gas each other up by repeating stuff they've heard other people say that is flattering. Repeat "MLs don't understand Marx" enough times and you start to believe it.

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        a year ago

        Not only MLs don't understand Marx, Marx himself didn't understand Marxism till he learned Stalinism from Lenin.

        • NPa [he/him]
          a year ago

          Lenin didn't even have a coherent political worldview until he was sent down to the New Jersey countryside to learn from Communist Dictator Michael Parenti :parenti:

          • RNAi [he/him]
            a year ago

            Turns out the puppetmasters are always fredos :eye:

            • NPa [he/him]
              a year ago

              the roman empire never fell, stay woke 👁👁👁👁


            • NPa [he/him]
              a year ago

              I mean, yeah, now it's industrialized, but that's because of Chairman Parenti's New Economic Deal. Back in the day it was mainly sorghum and millet farmers oppressed by semi-feudal Kulak (ham)Bürgers

                • NPa [he/him]
                  a year ago

                  smh constitutional ultras always wrecking... for the last time, the right to hold slaves is no longer a part of the United Socialist States of America's constitution, and we disavow 'Chairman' Washington and his gruesome Appalachian 'People's' War.

                • NPa [he/him]
                  a year ago

                  eyy I'm harvesting the red sauce tree over here :anti-italian-action:

  • Upanotherday [he/him]
    a year ago

    I dont know who this is, Anyway.

    :debatebro-l: :debatebro-r:

    Fuck off