Can a law rocket take out a lifted f-150? It'd be easy for bike riders to sling over their shoulder and ride with then deploy
Could maybe bolt a tripod off to one side, mounting a single shot disposable to keep the weight down
The Bradley Bike
The French tried this by strapping a recoilless rifle to a Vespa, it's suppose to be an anti tank weapon for paratroopers. Imagine getting blown up by a scooter.
I just keep seeing the wild n free Vespa scene in Luca with mounted cannons!
America quickly becoming the libertarian copypasta about having anti-air batteries in your compound home opening up on anyone who violates the NAP (setting one pinky toe onto your lawn)
Sitting on a throne built out of canned beans and shooting anybody who looks at it.
"Why did you shoot the black teenager?"
"He was threatening me. You know - Stand Your Ground. Everybody knows Stand Your Ground."
"You were inside. Where was he exactly? On your porch?"
"No. He was outside my house. On the sidewalk."
"What was he doing on the public sidewalk? He says he was walking."
"Public? He was outside my house. He was threatening me. Black outside my house. And I said it already - listen - Stand Your Ground. So I shot him."
Parents are going to have to teach kids not to go anywhere near a home under any circumstances, what this holds for delivery people I don't know.
what this holds for delivery people I don’t know.
Doordash-branded flak jackets and armoured delivery vehicles.
Every night coming home and picking the rifle shots out of my fender, it's a living :its-a-living:
what this holds for delivery people I don’t know.
And they don't even get hazard pay.
the great thing about living in a country with no guns is you can stand on the steet and yell abuse at these people and they're too chickenshit to come out of the house about it
So this is obviously just racism, but hypothetically they would have legal standing to "stand their ground" and return fire on the home owner, yes? Really enjoying the prospect of playing M.A.D. the home game...
That's what that Prius driver who killed a guy in a road rage incident did, like the other guy shot first and the Prius driver returned fire, killed him and didn't even get taken in.
You shoot me I shoot you now we're escalating with an anti-air battery and tossing out some molotovs
several national media outlets are reporting the police as saying they "completed" their investigation and won't be bringing charges. there are several bullet holes in the car, and in the video, the woman is holding a recovered bullet. regardless of stand your ground bullshit, i don't see how it is possible a law wasn't broken.
davies is pretty urbanized. everywhere like that has some kind of rule about discharging a firearm inside of city limits. you also can't just wreck peoples' personal property if they come on your property. the supreme court ruled forever ago that there is a right for solicitors and others to approach your home and knock on the door (even if you have a sign that says no soliciting), so you're not allowed to blast them with piss, slash their tires, bust their windshield, or shoot first before personally telling someone to leave and giving them reasonable time to do so. most places have laws saying you can't point a gun at someone. there absolutely has to be at least 2-3 things the psycho can be cited for to at the very least discourage such obviously anti-social behavior.
this is such an obvious example of a bullshit reactionary suburban police department with a shithead "detective" and i hope outside investigative reporters and whoever else wants to climbs up this department's ass over it. because dollars to donuts, the psycho is related to somebody or the department is all klan or some shit.
Shooting at someone is like definitionally aggro assault, 20+ year minimum in Florida.
Prosecuters are gun-shy :kelly: DerSantis will dictatorly yank them.
Media pouring acid on people's brains making them think that there are murderers and cut purses around every corner and bush.
for real. 430 burglary related homicides a year. covid kills more and there isnt a moral panic about that
Right-wing media has convinced a legion of heavily armed boomers that armies of blm terrorists are coming for their whiteness.
Literally this. I knew so many boomers in my mayo ass suburban town who actually stocked up on ammo in 2020 because they were convinced BLM protestors were gonna come to their house to burn it down. These are all "good" people too
Does Red State America realize that Blue States hold most of the international shipping ports?
If it came to civil war 2.0 Blue States could cut off MAGAland from most of the world's economy overnight.
No one is going to invade the suburbs.
i mean i feel like it goes both ways.
liberal media also makes it as if this stuff isn't always happening and reports on things selectively when they need to run distraction or need to drum up some scaremongering
All my liberal stations went full blame-crime-on-the-homeless/poors back when Covid hit and never let up since.
There ain't many outlets not pushing crime narratives that are wildly out of step of reality.
My town's violent crime rate is down 30% this year but the local media is covering murders more and for longer.
Whenever a cop dies in a shoot out it gets pasted across the news for at least a month and then they name a park after them.
I could swear attempted murder is a crime but guess not
how the fuck is it self defence to shoot someone who knocked on the door
there are at least like 15 different florida laws being broken here, what the fuck lmao
Doordash is going to have to start adding a life insurance fee 💀
I'm reminded of Brace Belden saying at the end of an episode about unionization that - if you're in some shitty Florida town doing delivery for a living, you'd be better off moving to Georgia and landing one of the jobs at the big new battery factories, then leveraging that position by going union. Because what are you going to do as a delivery guy? Get a promotion? Land a big raise? No. That's not fucking happening.
But you know what might happen?
Ringing a doorbell is now equivalent to a threat against your life. They are training us to be always fearful, on edge, to hate each other.
Jesus fucking Christ
The most basic, bare minimum rule of law would not allow you to BOTH:
- readily execute anyone crossing your property line
- have a wide open fucking driveway with no gate and no SIGN saying you'll be EXECUTED for crossing the PROPERTY LINE
Wanting a on-call delivery system but also being so Nextdoor pilled that you're going to gun down any stranger in your driveway feels like one of those Big-C Contradictions.
My aunt lives in an urban area and had a neighbor that fired an automatic rifle into the air for either new years or fourth of july, I can't remember. When she called the cops they refused to come out or do anything because "owning those types of weapons isn't illegal"