goodsex — Sexual intercourse only for procreation, without any physical pleasure on the part of the woman, and strictly within marriage
yes there's an Orwell word for it
Now that just reminded me of this:
A 1966 ruling of the Bundesgerichtshof required married women to have sexual intercourse with their partners "repeatedly" and prescribed they must not be "unresponsive" during the consummation.
In the Free Democratic West Germany, of course.
Sometimes I feel that about this place and half of leftist twitter
like that is fair because probably some are like teens and stuff like i am the oldest zoomer which is 1997 and i am 23 so yeah a zoomer contingency implies that teens are here on sometimes and twitter it is this plus people with brains of babys talking
I'm thinking bout how both among us and fall guys are obviously rips off popular roblox games infection deception and various obby tournaments. anyone wanna play some galleons
Like half the trendy games right now are just prettied up versions of mods that came out half a decade ago. Fortnite is just Minecraft Hunger Games. Among us is just Trouble in Terrorist Town from GMod.
Just... censor the f*cking word.
You don't need to suspend anyone's account. We've had word-based censorship online since the f*cking 90s.
Roblox actually has a strong censor, a lot of times it would even censor random words in my language. I just didn't expect to get an actual warning for it lol