Big if true. I expect a lot of malding and liberal hair pulling.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      21 days ago

      It’s cause he’s trying to court Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, The Philippines and other nations that all hate Israel. It’s opportunistic posturing

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          21 days ago

          The government of Philippines is zionist friendly and US comprador, you are right. That doesn't mean its entire population is however. I thought it was there that Zelenskyy started criticizing Israel when questioned by a reporter and calling for peace and a 2 state solution, but it was actually in Singapore at IISS Shangri-La dialogue.

          I believe he's trying to improve relations and PR with Asia and Africa overall, so Philippines might not have been the best example for nations that hate Israel. He did visit there separately to court them. There are a lot of them that do hate Israel though such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and most of Africa.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        22 days ago

        The Ukrainian flags in the rich town next to mine index is at its lowest point since its inception

        The only ones I still see are bumper stickers and everyone knows that it's a rare breed who scrapes off a bumper sticker

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    22 days ago

    We're about to get the worst op-eds in recent history in german newspapers

    • MalarchoBidenism [he/him]
      21 days ago

      who-did-this -style article titled "Yes, Ukraine has a Nazi problem" in which the author wonders how is it that nobody ever noticed the Nazi symbols the Ukrainian military has been using this entire time, and then explains how that relates to Zelensky's support for the terrorist Hamas terrorists who October 7-ed Israel on October 7.



      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        21 days ago

        Real title fight of "We will never acknowledge there being a nazi problem" vs. "Anything than unconditional support for israel is the holocaust"

      21 days ago

      I wish for the invention of some lobotomy type cosmetic surgery that stops the brain from being able to process the existence of German people and therefore prevents one from having to read the shit they spew in the papers on a daily basis

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      22 days ago

      They're suddenly going to recognize all the Nazi insignias that Ukrainian troops put on their uniforms.

    • Speaker [e/em/eir]
      22 days ago

      sweat Be me, sweating in the Maoist Standard English exam trying to decide if it should be $$ or ᛇᛇ

  • amphibian [she/her]
    22 days ago

    two state solution is fascist af but this is better than like 99% of western countries and it being ukraine specifically is awesome, so critical support i guess

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    22 days ago

    Yes, Zelensky is doing this because the US is sending money and guns to Israel instead of Ukraine. But Ukraine has already, since 2022, had diplomatic problems with Israel.

    In November 2022, Ukraine supported a UN resolution that asked the International Court of Justice to investigate Israel's "prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory". In response, Israel summoned and admonished Ukrainian ambassador. Shortly after, in "an apparent act of retaliation", Israel did not vote for a UN resolution calling on Russia to pay reparations for invading Ukraine.

    During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemned attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza and supported a two-state solution to the conflict. More than 300 Ukrainian scholars, activists and artists expressed solidarity with Palestinians in an open letter. Most of the Ukrainian community in Gaza was forced to flee the country because of the war.

    On 2 June 2024, Zelensky reiterated Ukraine's support for a two-state solution. He remarked that, while Ukraine has supported Israel's right for self-defence against Hamas during the attacks in October 2023, during the humanitarian crisis Ukraine said that is ready to help Gaza humanitarianly and it "will do everything so that Israel stops and civilians do not suffer."

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    22 days ago

    Zelensky is trying to get on Hamas’ good side so they’ll volunteer to fight for the AFU

  • puff [comrade/them]
    22 days ago

    Extremely interesting development. Do you think it's simply because he sees popular support globally for Palestine and wants to piggy-back some of it?

    • emizeko [they/them]
      22 days ago

      weapons sent to the Zionist entity are weapons not sent to the Banderite entity

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      22 days ago

      Do you think it's simply because he sees popular support globally for Palestine and wants to piggy-back some of it?

      Honestly, yes, I suspect this is more his motive than being angry that Israel is getting more aid than him. Him recognizing Palestine isn't going to divert any aid to him, if anything the opposite. However his foreign support comes mostly from western Libs, most of whom are at least somewhat Palestinian sympathetic. They've been losing focus on Ukraine so he's hoping this statement wins him some more support from them and gets him back in the news cycle long enough that US public opinion swings back in his direction a bit.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        21 days ago

        I think it has more to do with the opinions of the global south than the collective west. He’s been trying to court “neutral” nations like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, The Philippines, etc. and get them to come to his peace summit in Switzerland.

        This is him saying opportunistic shit to try and get some of them back onside, since basically none of them what anything to do with Ukraine

  • Zrc [she/her]
    22 days ago

    there's no way this is real right? Weren't they talking about wanting to become the I**ael of europe?

    • Speaker [e/em/eir]
      22 days ago

      the I**ael of europe

      A position currently held by the Zionist entity, so the only way to deliver on this desire is to unseat the incumbent.

    • Rojo27 [he/him]
      22 days ago

      There's been a few instances where he's been critical of US weapons shipments to Israel while Congress was in their tug o war over funding.

    • cricbuzz [he/him]
      21 days ago

      these vassal states getting a little big for their britches

  • Vampire [any]
    22 days ago

    Two Jewish heads-of-state now (if true)