The Enhanced Games is organizing an alternative to the corrupt Olympic Games. The first sports event without drug testing.
The first sports event without drug testing.
90s sketch comedy premise
clean sport's a joke, it's woke
and drug testing is gaaayyyyyy
I would pay an embarrassing amount of money to watch the 100 metre hurdles if all the athletes had been enjoying a pan of pot brownies a few hours prior.
it makes sense in that because the book is kind of about the arbitrariness of the circumstances of one's life. Harrison Bergeron is a weird one for me because it doesn't read as a pointed political satire about anything in specific, but I also don't accept the reading that it's meant to be a subtle parody of right-wing satire.
I always read it as a parody of anticommunists who think communism = everyone is exactly equal. Paging to confirm.
I don't think "Harrison Bergeron" has any one correct interpretation. It is a satire of the basic human emotion of jealousy, first and foremost. Any political interpretation is secondary, and debatable.
If you are left-wing, you can see the shackles, weights, etc. as a metaphor for money / inherited privilege. There are many talented people in the world who never get to make use of those talents because financial difficulties (weights) hold them back. "Capitalism does not let beautiful things flourish," is the message.
If you are right-wing, you can obviously see the shackles, weights, etc. as literal. The government is some wacko communist government that actually puts shackles on people to make them all "equal." The message is that "Communism would make people miserable by not letting individuals reach their full potential." (I don't think that was Vonnegut's intended message. Karl Marx's whole philosophy is about letting individuals flourish. Harrison Bergeron and his parents and the ballerina are all VERY alienated from themselves and their labor.)
But really, it's just a fun sci-fi short story about a dystopian, authoritarian government that does not seem to have a real-world ideology except cartoonish evil. The point, at the end, is that Harrison's mother doesn't even remember seeing her son do all that stuff on television, because her and her husband's attention span has been destroyed by technology. The point is that in the future, individual expression will be lost in the haze of technology, alienation, and an oppressive world that moves too fast. That could also be a summary for "Capitalist Realism" or any Adam Curtis documentary.
And ironically what chuds want in their ideal professional sports.
An Olympic games inspired by the 1904 St Louis marathon
If this actually does result in a bunch of records being broken, I'll be surprised. I guarantee it's just gonna be a bunch of random failsons who weren't good enough to make it onto an Olympic team but think that taking way too many roids will let them beat every record. Or it's a grift, which is at least as likely.
i guess it depends how good the drugs are and if they do other stuff like blood doping, oxygen tents etc.
Idk. I feel like if you take me and load me up with all the drugs and whatever any of that other stuff is, I'm still going to lose to your average high school track star in a sprint. I feel like if you gave the track star a bunch of PEDs they'll still lose to a top level Olympic athlete. I guess if you give the drugs to someone who's already a high level contender, it could give them an edge, but it's not like this stuff turns you into a Terminator or something.
Something like this would need years of effort going into developing insane new drugs, techniques, and science fiction tier augmentations to build truly mindblowingly better athletes. If we see anything this year it'll be a record or two getting shaved down by a hundredth of a second, and then everyone just gets bored and it goes nowhere.
Maybe I'm wrong though, I don't know shit about this sort of thing, and would love to be better educated on the types of measurable performance gains that are possible.
The thing with PEDs is that it completely changes the way you train. You can do lower rep, higher weight exercises and see even better results, but it also become even more important to do proper stretching and rollouts, pressure and aftercare recovery techniques. Endurance exercises can go for much longer as well.
The reason for this is because what PEDs normally do is drastically improve your recovery ability, and what that means in practice is that it is very easy to recover badly, excaterbate bad positional habits and just downright make your muscles look weird.
Nah we know pretty well that for a top athlete taking PEDs, at least in strength sport, means a rough 10% increase in performance. People that talk about what PEDs do haven't looked at just how 'naturally roided' top athletes already are. A lot of the very vocal US athletes that say that they don't use drugs unlike the 'shifty chinese' and 'cheating russians' wouldn't be able to compete even with PEDs.
Like the whole "Oh the chinese and russians are only outcompeting us because of steroids" is a massive cope that it warps peoples view on what PEDs do.
Yeah, I'm not even talking about performance, that is a muscle density problem, which PEDs only do so much for. Generally speaking I am talking about body-building, where basically everybody is on PED's but their muscle to strength ratio is usually crap. As Zazz used to say, it's about the aesthetic, not the lift.
i don't think they're selling "couch to olympic records", PEDs help you train harder faster and recover more quickly so you can train more. Sitting on ass and gearing up isn't gonna do much for us but if you give 16 year olds drugs and a decent training regimen they'll beat the shit out of college athletes without drugs.
Runners hit their peaks later than gymnasts so if this thing gets started and sticks around then we'll probably see mediocre highschool runners pushing into the low end of olympic qualifier times with a few years of training+drugs. Maybe 10th place guys in college competitions could make record pushes.
but it's not like this stuff turns you into a Terminator or something.
If any drugs are legal, there are many that would turn you into a Terminator. I think people are thinking too limited here
Meth, in particular. Maybe even LSD depending on the person
Obviously, training on meth should be done in extremely limited amounts but give an athlete a high dose on the day of and they'll easily be able to push past far beyond normal human limits
Often i cant sleep. Abd somtimes i have to work the next day. So i take a modafinil or caffeine tablets or in extreame cases put a bit of coke in the tea. When i have to do fisically demanding things in those conditions somtimes i go blind for a lityle while due to lack of oxigen. So i dont think ot would work for athletes.
Those all work so well for me I work with no pain or exhaustion and wake up the next day with my forearms completely torn up and useless lol
So you have never lost your sigth even for a bit? Its not exactly a blackout but ratger multiple tiny mulicolored dots obstruct your vision for a second or 2. Mostly green white and pink. Very brigth dots.
Maybe there is something wrong with my lungs..
Maybe you're forgetting to breathe because you're focusing too intensely while stimmed? That's happened to me before but not while doing physical activity, just studying
my veins and heart hurts just thinking about doing any intense physical activity on meth
de Gunner
Y’all allowing Trans athletes? 🤔
Yes, trans athletes are enhanced humans. They will be very welcome.
-- 🐦
So they did say trans athletes were welcome but in the process implied that they were drug cheats.
nobody ever talks about trans men in sports, literally taking testosterone.
i vaguely remember texas deciding to have a trans boy still compete in the womens' sports and he was on hrt and owned everybody.
That’s because in common law, you have to astroturf precedence. From a legal point of view, I would not be surprised to see transitioning people banned from all sports by 2026.
Enchanced humans ahahahahahahahahahaha they are talking atheltes like they are superhumans
CSI Miami but when they zoom and enhance on the footage it changes the subject's pronouns
I don't want to see a normalisation of performance enhancing drugs as I feel this is a gateway to employers being able to demand people take amphetamines like adderal to keep them awake and interested during boring tasks
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay that explains the Musk fixation, I get it now. Do people ever randomly bring him up to you?
That would make me go ballistic
Yeah I read very fast and I do this to people on Twitter to. They freak out when you pull up a tweet from 2016. Well, not for the same reason... I digress
Oh sorry I thought it was obvious, this is Essie again. Yeah I was told you were gonna reply to me if I argued with literally anyone, and you're a power user. Being a power user is a negative to me unless it's Instagram. You don't need to remind me Meta is bad don't worry.
I think we just hit it off badly, but feel free to report me etc for hostility,
the only good power user is the furaffinity power user. they will lead us to a new world
I'm making alt accounts to continue posting. We just settled our issue. Take care lad
More likely that you'll get to watch some basically still-a-child 18 year old have their heart explode during the middle of an event.
Drug testing might not prevent drug use but it does have an effect on over-use. If you have none of it at all the effect of competition will drive people to overdose in the pursuit of winning. The people that win will be the ones that can take the highest quantity of performance enhancements without dying live on air.
Covid 🤝 ambiguous steroids stack made by transhumanist doctors
beating the shit out of clueless athletes
Came here to post this. We love our soviet super lifters don't we folks?
This is just HE HATE ME from the failed XFL launch back in the early '00s, when Vince McMahon thought C-list athletes doing Football meets American Gladiators was going to print money.
It did not.
Besides, haven't we established - years ago - that all these people are already about as roided up as you can get?
I thought the XFL was fun. But ESPN and the rest of sports journalists felt it was an insult to their entire profession. How dare the world have more than one league! Players dating cheerleaders? It's called the No Fun League for a reason.
I went to an XFL game and it was great atmosphere. Everyone was there to have a good time.
Same thing but for arena football. IMO Vince McMahon's involvement was what killed the XFL - he had a lot of bad ideas from cringeworthy bits with the cheerleaders to putting it on prime time TV (while the NFL has existed comfortably without much competition in its own time slot for ages).
Arena football was lame because it wasn't real football. I'd rather watch Canadian football (eww). But XFL was real football with a couple of twists. Didn't they give 5 points for long field goals?
I long thought we should have this. Since it's long past impossible to stop athletes from juicing, and if they didn't do drugs then they wouldn't be in the Olympics in the first place. Plus, the Olympics are totally corrupt assholes. I quit watching several Olympics ago and doubt I will ever pick up the habit again. Sad, really.
Retvrn guys like "finally a white man can win...roided up!"
I saw an ad for this and they were trying to say athletes using steroids are just like gay people and we need to support them & let them "come out".
Offending my homosexual sensibilities? Absolutely, yes. (I'm pretty sure this stuff is illegal but I don't do sports so don't ask me)