lol america just gutting gains to civil rights at breakneck speed.
Apparently there was a study that showed that Asian kids would have like a 10% higher chance of being accepted if they were white and 30% if they were black. The conclusion should’ve been “damn, this country is so racist we have to do convoluted calculations to give other people a fair chance to attend college,” but instead it’s “damn, black people are the most privileged people in America.”
Anyway, death to all Ivy League students. Few are good like but they don’t produce these exceptions enough for me to care about their education and “unfairness.” Get a real education and a real job instead being absolute demons
Ivy League isn't about education anyway. Its about building social networks between regional elites.
Nobody goes to Harvard to learn how to code.
Remember: if they don't also ban legacy admissions, then they still have affirmative action - they just have it for rich white kids.
"Finally! After decades of oppresion we've solved the worst kind of racial discrimination in America! The kind that doesn't benefit me!"
Asian kids are still going to get screened out. Universities will just shy away from letting too many AA kids in.
it is fun that much of what i hear about american politics the people who seem to decide stuff are just unelected god kings of law
Just wanting to share some observations, it seems to be mostly professional class East Asian and Indian families who are literally propagandized to believe they are being hurt by affirmative action. I've known a few college age kids who really felt held back by affirmative action and from what they've said I'm not sure I'd characterize their families as right wing, just standard lib.
lmao at all the asian americans getting happy over this
this just gives them an excuse to double down on the 'inscrutable celestials have no personality' trope so they can let more in
If Asian parents truly think this would boost their kids chance then they're naive, way to naive, the same with majority american population. Naive bunch that got play by propaganda.
Can't have too many of the historically by far the most revolutionary demographic be in your military
conservatives be like "freedom to do whatever you want oh wait not that" pt. 5067