• umbrella@lemmy.ml
      5 days ago

      i want to see them try to turn on everyone at the same time rn.

      on second tought, no, i don't want that.

        • yeahiknow3@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          6 days ago

          The US is more evil than a theocratic dictatorship where women and gay people are routinely executed? Are you completely fucking insane?

          • BoxedFenders [any, comrade/them]
            6 days ago

            The US has killed more innocent civilians just in the Arabian Gulf than Saudi Arabia ever did. The US has committed vastly more violence unto the world by orders of magnitude. And that's not even touching on non military interventions meant to weaken and destabilize economies that do not bend their knee to the American empire.

            • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
              6 days ago

              The US has killed more innocent civilians just in the Arabian Gulf than Saudi Arabia ever did.

              Saudi Arabia was a beneficiary and collaborator in that. They're a close client state of the US, with a ruling class that's close with the American ruling class, and whose heretical wahhabist sect is used by US intelligence to create "plausibly deniable" proxy militants across Africa and Asia both to destabilize periphery countries and to engineer pretexts for full invasions by the US when they desire.

              The correct response to a dumbass lib who doesn't understand that Saudi Arabia is a beneficiary and extension of American hegemony is to highlight the closeness of their collaboration and how the US own elitist and arch-patriarchal ideology was eager to ally with and uplift similarly reactionary movements in the periphery, both out of ideological kinship and the cynical pragmatism that militant elitist reactionaries are a violent bulwark against the left and so are perfect local compradors to oversee resource extraction to the benefit of the imperial core. The fact that local compradors of the machine of imperial hegemony are comparatively smaller than the whole of the machine they are a part of does not change the fact that they're still part of that machine.

            • Hexamerous [he/him]
              6 days ago

              Hey now, bombs don't care about gender and sexual orientation. Those civilians where slaughter indiscriminately.

          • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
            6 days ago

            How many genocides has the US committed?

            Now answer how many SA committed.

            Utterly delusional.

            Also black men and women are executed on live television and social media in this caustic fucking shit hole.

            • BeamBrain [he/him]
              5 days ago

              Now answer how many SA committed.

              The answer isn't zero and yet the US still manages to be so much worse.

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
        6 days ago

        Take a step back from that understanding and think about why the US chose a close ally like that in the first place, why they keep choosing and uplifting close local allies like that all over the world. This isn't some little whoopsy "someone didn't do their research" sort of thing: it's an active choice on the part of the US to cultivate the most monstrous allies they can find everywhere they can, and to incorporate the violence these allies will eagerly commit on behalf of the machine of imperial hegemony into the capabilities of that machine itself.

        Why did the US side with Saudi Arabia? For the same reason that they committed genocide on behalf of Syngman Rhee following his massacre of 300,000 suspected dissidents, for the same reason they hooked up former Nazi intelligence agents with Suharto in Indonesia and provided material support for his campaign of genocide, for the same reason they funded reactionary militants and dictators across the Americas whose crimes are so grotesque I can't even touch on them without a dozen content warnings.

        The US chooses allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel because virulently misogynistic, racist, and elitist factions are the natural allies of America's own virulently misogynistic, racist, and elitist hegemonic ideology. It is bad for the US to make such allies, but the reason it does so is because it is like them and so they make for an easy and natural extension of its imperial power.

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
        6 days ago

        Kind of embarrassing for Saudi Arabia given that in 1974 we'd already committed mass slaughters in Korea and Vietnam (also Laos and Cambodia) only recently in the millions. Saudi Arabia isn't anywhere near as evil, but the propaganda certainly makes it seem so.

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    6 days ago

    Shortly before or after 9/11, there was a strange case of Israeli students, or a series of people posed as students, going door to door in affluent neighborhoods and intelligence agencies inquiring about artwork. I don’t think the case was ever officially solved, but the premise is rather creepy to me.


    I don’t think it ties Israel to anything*, but it’s one of those strange pieces of 9/11 lore that never gets talked about these days like anthrax, the hijackers’ room mate, the Brabant/GLADIO-flight school connection, etc.

    • Maybe I spoke too soon

    A number of the Israelis resided for a period of time in Hollywood, Fla. -- the small city where Mohammed Atta and three terrorist comrades lived for a time before Sept. 11.

    • Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]
      5 days ago

      I read this and the premise did removedme too. One of the theories is that this was such a loud and absurd operation to give cover to the real Israeli OP going on

  • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
    6 days ago

    I'm seeing mainstream news outlets saying the end of the petrodollar is bogus:


