Many times I’m having a completely unrelated dream session, then suddenly I sense that I’m about to wake up, so I just quickly manifest sex to the awkward surprise and staring of the dream cast present at the scene. But this is a paradox because it makes the dream end even faster because everything is rushed and sloppy and the manifested faces aren’t even as detailed as the natural dream.
The weird thing is that I’m aware of my dream state yet the thought of “let’s finish the adventure instead of having sex” doesn’t enter my mind.
It's simple, we call the Lucid Dream Volcel Police on you
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نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
If you are of the penised persuasion, my guess would be that you're getting morning wood and your brain is reacting to that.
I am not of the penised persuasion, and my brain does the same thing OPs does. Women can also have "wet dreams", like I wake up with the sort of tender, ticklish feeling of having had an orgasm recently.
I think maybe the brain just wants to send blood there periodically particularly in the morning when everybody has testosterone spikes, relatively speaking.
Same, though I have phantom penis sensations in the morning (sort of like a limb being asleep and that painful tingling). If I wear a packer to bed it helps a lot interestingly.
I have heard that to be the case, but as a penised person myself, I didn't want to speak outside my wheelhouse.
make peace with the fact your brain is a screenwriter with the sensibilities of a teenager
My guess is if you can tell you're about to wake up, that means your imagination had a great idea for a premise, but didn't know how to write a satisfying ending for it, and you noticed things were starting to unravel. You could try, as soon as you wake up, start workshopping what a compelling conclusion to the dream could have been. With some practice, your dreams might start to incorporate those ideas. Or just enjoy the sex, and don't worry about your dreams needing to be complete works.
and the manifested faces aren’t even as detailed as the natural dream.
Honestly I initially read that as "manifested feces" and my first thought was "well, I won't kinkshame"
I think it's worth pointing out that there are different levels of lucidity. I have myself experienced dreams where I have been "aware" of the fact that I am dreaming, and yet I have behaved irrationally in ways that I wouldn't normally. In one dream I can recall, when I became "aware" of my dream, I jumped off the roof of a building thinking that I could make myself fly and shift myself into my conworld — but save for a few brief seconds when I managed to shift myself to an honestly breathtaking skydiving view of my conworld before being shifted back... Yeah, I just ended up splattering on the ground within a few seconds.
The way I make sense of this is that it isn't lucid dreaming per se, but rather it's a dream about having a lucid dream. So you're no more in control than you are in a non-lucid dream. I've never been good at lucid dreaming so I don't know what advice I'd give for that problem, though. I've heard that spinning around can be a good way to keep oneself from waking up; I've also heard that it's risky business to attempt to alter a dream too much, too. I also think that dreams about sex often correlate to masturbating or having sex in the waking world either very frequently or very rarely.
Ultimately when I have dreams about sex I just don't really worry about it. At most when I wake up I'll just sort of groan and say "chuis mal baisée, putaaain". I guess I'm just sort of resigned to not controlling my dreams, so I prefer to write them down and continue them after I've woken up.
my dreams always collapsed hard when i tried to exert like full holodeck-like control when i went lucid
i found it easier to just give myself some pre-defined "powers" like simple power words and just go with the flow but have these magic spells to let me do what i wanted
but yeah me too i'm not that good at it. i was when i was younger but these days i just let the weirdness happen i only go semi-lucid when i take naps
Instead of trying to stay asleep, try staying with the feeling tone of the original dream. If the dream is one of happiness and joy, lean into that feeling rather than the 'story line'. If it's of sadness and loss, same.
I kept a dream journal daily for over a year. Remembering the feeling tone was the best way to both fall back asleep, and recall the details of the dream to write everything down when I was ready to get up.
Going to xth the chorus of posts saying 'omg masturbate', that whole antifap shit is another method to control people using bourgeois morality. If you get rid of that urge before you won't be so thirsty in your dreams.
Anyway, like RL you have varying degrees of awareness and ability to act on autonomy in a LD, so don't feel too bad when you sleep into a habit. It helps to have a list of non sexy things to do when you LD and incubate those before bed.
Big spoiler for LDs, expectation is the law of dreams, you expect sex to mess up stability it will, a very common one is people thinking merely being excited about LDing will interfere with the LD. Even larger spoiler, no it won't, manage your expectations and it will lead to better control. A more material hack is rubbing your hands or spinning helps with control, why, something about proprioception and pattern familiarity-expectation if I had to guess. If you ever figure out how to feel that you're lying down sensation that makes a good reality check, one doesn't walk around life with the sensations/pressures of lying on a bed. Makes me think of a video game glitch.
I do nut outside of my dreams. My bodily essence is not withheld
Go with the dream incubating and maybe drink a little extra water before bed.
I have noticed that any lucid dream I've ever had just sort of phases into being awake with no real conclusion to the events of the dream. Lucidity I think only occurs on the edge of wakefulness so waking up is usually the conclusion before whatever "story" that was occurring can reach anything satisfactory.
With that said I only very rarely have lucid dreams.