Permanently Deleted
You're braver than all of them combined.
In my mind, betrayal feels worse than physical hardship which is worse than harsh words from losers. In that sense, they gave you their worst and you're still going to be okay. In fact, you should thank them for vacating your life and making room for worthwhile relationships in better paradigms. The kindest thing they could do is spring their shitty trap and fuck off - they've ceased to waste your time.
Better it happened now than after more wasted time of them hiding their true colors. We're a pretty self-alienating community due to our intellectual/emotional relationships to the things most people still plan their lives around and find material comfort in.
That said, I assure you there are plenty of people out there that aren't assholes and would be happy to be a close friend. If you can, focus on what you enjoy doing the most, the friends you meet this method are going to be light-years better than friends made by forced association (growing up locally, school/work/college).
The fact you're on this site shows you have more empathy than the average person.
I see you, I hear you. You are valid. That said: Im sorry about your shitty friends. At least now you know they're shitty, and as much as it hurts now, I believe you will arrive better and stronger on the other end of this struggle. Also I stalked your profile and you post good stuff. Hugs.
Love to you! I think I've seen your posts and they were.good. Regardless you are a valued and appretiate member of this community!
hey buddy i know how it feels like, i was studying abroad once and everybody wanted so little to do with me that i just had to go back home. i hope you can recover soon <3 cheers
You are no even 1% worthless. You are a caring soul with an awesome user name. If you weren't so caring you wouldn't be so hurt right now. Your emotions are not just valid, but completely understandable and you are allowed to feel them however you need to. You are amazing for being strong enough to ask for help. You are awesome for coming here as an act of self care. You are smart for being one of us ;). If you ever need to talk to a stranger about what's up, drop a message. :lenin-heart:
I know that feel. The twitch streamer I donate to every day still doesn't pronounce my name right.
I like your username, very cool. And looking at your comments for like 5 minutes I deem you cool enough to have that name. I hope things get better. Know even if we never meet I hope you know that you are lovable and cool. Sorry if I'm being redundant.
Glad I could make you feel better. I thought maybe I might have come off as a bit drunk and wanted to delete it but glad I didn't. Feels good being earnest.