Narrated by H. Jon Benjamin.. this might actually slap.

Highlighted presenters at end of video:

  • Bernie Sanders
  • Chelsea Manning
  • Cornel West
  • Slavoj Zizek
  • Richard Wolff
  • Stephanie Kelton
  • Nick Kelton
  • Mike Gravel
  • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    Lol I wouldn't even consider them to be socdems. Frankly I don't trust them any farther than I can throw them

    The list of people they showed is good, and hopefully they pull things more to the left. And the concept of countering PragerU is cool and good but like... We already have a buttload of youtubers who took to the platform to counter the right and have built up a base of viewers that are staunchly anti-communists. And the Gravel crew are not communists, sorry for looking at this and thinking it's gonna be a Vaush 2.0 situation and not automatically thinking it's cool and good shrug

    • heqt1c [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Big tent. I don't think most folks who have taken the journey from "centrist" (or rightwing) to leftist have gone straight into commie content... personally Kyle Kulinski/Secular Talk helped me pin down that liberalism is part of the problem, and that guys a socdem through and through.

      • GrouchoMarxist [comrade/them,use name]
        4 years ago

        Well idk if there's much of a point continuing this because it boils down to a difference of opinion. Big tent is good and all that, but I have 0 trust in the Gravel teens, they've shown they are absolute idiots who don't even believe in what they preach, and I'm cringe whenever I see their name attached to anything