“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

Dude is just a fuckin racist. Of course he'll be the VP pick lmao.

Love the huge effort to say there's two sides on the issue with valid opinions. I'm a dick for "wanting fascism" (because pointing out liberal flaws means you support DJT) over a "disagreement on one issue"

Truly think some Nazi scale shit is going to happen in my lifetime and we will hear about how "it's complicated" and "context is important" about ongoing genocide

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    it's complicated

    I'll leave this here. It could be used to share with libs because "complicated" etc are lib thought terminating clichés.


    Ta-Nehisi Coates on his visit to Israel and Palestine - "There's a word that come up all the time and it's 'complexity' and it's closely related adjective 'complicated'... I assumed it would be hard to descern right from wrong to understand the morality at play [and the conflict]. But perhaps the most shocking thing was that I immediately understood."

    "You can't behold evil and then return and not speak on it."

    Ta-Nehisi Coates speaks about how an experience in Palestine illuminated the connections between the African American and Palestinian liberation struggles, and the moral responsibility to speak out.


    There are 3 tweets and each has a video.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    How am I supposed to vote for or even trust liberals if they're willing to be complete racists who endorse genocide? The bargain liberals are trying to make right now is that Democrats may be committing genocide in Palestine, but they'll protect people like me domestically. How am I supposed to trust that?

    • YourMom [he/him]
      2 months ago

      And this is exactly how we got into this mess. You do realize the other option on the ballot is fascism? Are you seriously considering voting for Trump?

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Trust him? You can't. He was heading the State Attorney General's office when Ellen Greenberg's horrific obvious-murder was reclassified to be a suicide instead despite multiple stab wounds to her back and neck.

  • edge [he/him]
    2 months ago

    He said Arafat will be killed "by his fellow belligerent Arabs".

    Meanwhile in reality, Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli ultranationalist two years later while Arafat died naturally of a disease a decade later.

    Right wingers projecting as always.

  • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I'll be shocked if she picks someone else. She's been desperately tacking to the right ever since she was coronated the successor--she's walked back every quasi-"progressive" position she expressed in 2020--and this is exactly the move I'd expect her to take to shore up her support with the neoliberal ghoul voting bloc that is her base.

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 months ago

    the-democrat "What's wrong with these [slur of your choice]. Ever since 1948, all they do fight, fight, fight, with no interest in securing a homeland. There must be something seriously wrong with them..."

  • Greenleaf [he/him]
    2 months ago

    If I was a betting man, I’d go all in on Shapiro for VP. Kamala is speaking in Philly on Monday. But more importantly, AIPAC pursues a maximalist attitude towards politicians supporting Zionism. There is a chance that an open Zionist will be within a heartbeat of the presidency. They’re not gonna let that one go, especially not when Trump will give them everything they want, anyway. And Kamala’s team probably figures that Shapiro will be under the radar enough that all those Michigan voters who were gonna sit this one out will come back and vote for her because people don’t always pay attention to the VP’s positions.

  • miz [any, any]
    2 months ago

    in the Shapiro timeline will I succeed in convincing my relatives to emigrate with me or will I get a Dr.-Bronner-style postcard from them later?

    • YourMom [he/him]
      2 months ago

      He's the frontrunner by far, but nothing is set in stone. Seems like it's him though.

  • TrashGoblin [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    It will be a tremendous self-own if Harris picks Shapiro as her VP nom. Although Harris is probably not going to change any policy on Israel/Palestine, she has plausible deniability with those libs who are rightly appalled with Biden over that policy, because she has no record of her own, and can say some nicer things. Picking this guy would kill her plausible deniability.

    It's like how Clinton needed to pick a soft progressive VP in 2016 to appease Bernie voters, but doubled down and picked Tim Kaine. The VP slot is supposed to protect your turnout by shoring up where you're weak.

    • SevenSkalls [he/him]
      2 months ago

      They're more worried about swing states and he's from a Trump voting state I believe, but still managed to win the election. The hope is probably that he can bring those voters to the ticket to win the state.

  • footfaults [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    A more pedestrian but equally vile thing was that as AG of Pennsylvania he pressured Larry Krasner, the DA of Philly to accept a shittier settlement deal with Purdue Pharma for the opioid epidemic so he could secure his political future and become governor.

    • YourMom [he/him]
      2 months ago

      that's pretty fucked. I hate this situation so much.

      • footfaults [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        I was at Tattooed Mom's when both Fetterman and Shapiro came to get the endorsement of a liberal group that met there. Forget the name of the group. Shapiro was running for AG and Fetterman was running for Senate I think. I think it was the primary where he lost and eventually became lieutenant governor. I'm a little fuzzy on the year because I was drinking heavily because of work.

        Thought Fetterman was okay. He seemed to be comfortable with the place and the people. Shapiro looked like he hated every moment of existence there. Like if he could have levitated so that he didn't have to touch the floors or walls he would have done it. Fetterman got food and drinks and generally had a nice time.

        Knowing what I know now.... illegal-to-say

  • PeeOnYou [he/him]
    2 months ago

    the shit show continues unabated

    but people will endlessly bicker about it as if any of it matters in the slightest

    whether it's a cop fascist, a brain dead grandpa fascist, or just your run of the mill orange fascist, the train only moves in one direction