• MF_COOM [he/him]
    29 days ago

    Eh, I think this is quite likely 4chan racist shit. If we can assume he drew his own skin colour in the image, then choosing that handle is racist as shit

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    29 days ago

    The ironic handle, the simian cartoon character inclusion sus-soviet

  • nothx [he/him]
    29 days ago

    "DMV's Strongest Soldier" is so fucking funny.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    29 days ago

    Why is the driver seat on the right side of the car while the car is on the right side of the road?

  • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
    29 days ago

    I love the rigid adherence to The Rules of The Road hexbear is just intoxicated with, to the degree that someone joyfully inconveniencing someone behind them is cheered simply because they, the Absolute Chad Rule Follower, is going the speed limit

    literally imagine someone behind you who is in an actual life or death situation while you putter along at 30mph smugly looking in the rearview mirror thinking "heh, in a hurry? Heh, get used to the speed limit, sweaty"

    Like idk it just comes off as weirdly reddit brained liberalism but hey I guess I'm going to be called a car brained moron for thinking "speed limits are generally really fucking arbitrary and like shit happens and people have needs". Idk i guess I care more about people losing their jobs because they're late to work than some of y'all do

    • MF_COOM [he/him]
      29 days ago

      We should all drive our five ton metal boxes as fast as possible just in case the person behind us might be in a life or death situation, thereby maximizing the number of potential life or death situations thereby justifying the original decision

    • Abracadaniel [he/him]
      29 days ago

      actually we should empathize with road ragers and reckless drivers because they're small beans who're just trying to not get fired.

      sure, bud


      • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
        29 days ago

        I think when people wave their bodies out the window and then drive into oncoming traffic to get around someone theres idk the potential for more to be going on than "they're road raging for no reason" and anyone who just smiles and goes "heh" in their rearview mirror while thinking they're committing an objective moral good by keeping their cruise control set to 35 is basically berdly-smug turned person

        But sure whatever. "Maybe consider the needs of other people before you smugly clap like a seal over inconveniencing them" totally means we should all drive like it's mad fucking max, yall got me

        Re: yalls responses:

        i'll be sure to remember that if i've ever got a loved one bleeding out in my vehicle and my attempts to stress the urgency of my need are met with smug smiles in the rear view and "lol should have left sooner" i'm actually the asshole

        All the dipshits who drive at 10mph around my apartment complex because they don't know where they're going are actually not the assholes for not pulling over and figuring their shit out, and driving slow isn't ever dangerous at all

        • VILenin [he/him]
          29 days ago

          I think when people wave their bodies out the window and then drive into oncoming traffic to get around someone theres idk the potential for more to be going on than "they're road raging for no reason"

          American drivers do this all the time when there’s nothing going on.

          Maybe consider the needs of other people before you smugly clap like a seal over inconveniencing them

          Not letting me endanger the lives of everyone around me is inconveniencing me!

          Ironic how you implore us to “consider the needs of other people” while defending reckless driving at the expense of everyone else. Maybe “consider the needs of other people” before you drive your multi-ton death machine 30 above the speed limit.

          And also

          speed limits are generally really fucking arbitrary

          Yeah, they totally aren’t implemented by engineers after traffic surveys and a consideration of numerous factors such as pedestrian crossings and type of road, that’s DMV propaganda, it’s totes completely arbitrary!

          • Abracadaniel [he/him]
            29 days ago

            Gonna agree with bmf here on the setting of speed limits here. Road design often doesn't match the set speed limit, making the limit seem arbitrary even tho there's a (flawed) process for setting them. [https://youtu.be/bglWCuCMSWc](The problem with speed limits)


        • Rom [he/him]
          29 days ago

          idk it just seems silly to get mad at someone for driving the fastest possible legally allowed speed. If it's that much of a rush just pass them and then get better at managing your time.

          i'll be sure to remember that if i've ever got a loved one bleeding out in my vehicle and my attempts to stress the urgency of my need are met with smug smiles in the rear view and "lol should have left sooner" i'm actually the asshole

          So call an ambulance, who are trained to drive urgently and for whom other drivers are legally obliged to pull over and allow to pass. Sure it's expensive if you live in burgerland but that's another discussion.

          All the dipshits who drive at 10mph around my apartment complex because they don't know where they're going are actually not the assholes for not pulling over and figuring their shit out, and driving slow isn't ever dangerous at all

          Just go around them lol. Passing someone doing well under the speed limit is not the same as passing someone doing the speed limit.

          Maybe logout for a while and get some fresh air.

        • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
          29 days ago

          Am I missing something? Did you read the punchline in the title? I though you were being ironic.

          If you're like actually angry rn maybe mald about real shit brother because i absolutely expect you to be better than this tantrum.

            • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
              29 days ago

              A broken clock is right twice a day or whatever. They're a racist POS and shouldn't be celebrated, but they're right and their shitty politics wasn't the point of the others comments and shouldn't be used to brush them aside. They were responses to your position.

              In your hypothetical situation where you feel the need for speed and the sole right to the road, have you considered the danger this poses to others? Not only other drivers, but pedestrians and bicyclists too. Have you been in an incident where you've almost been run over while using an overabundance of caution just to cross what is normally a very busy crosswalk? It's happened to me every year and three of them have been extremely close not because I just haphazardly step out into traffick, but because the drivers were distracted, going to fast, tailgating each other, or just didn't give a fuck because they are driving the biggest thing on the road.

              Annoying attitude of the poster going the speed limit aside, arguing FOR the right to speed and for others to get out of the way is fundamentally a selfish position and a practice that promotes dangerous behavior on the road. If it's an emergency, call an ambulance. You can't afford to die more than you can't afford to pay ridiculous healthcare costs and that doesn't give you the right to put others in danger.

              That selfish thought process, that cars own the road and should be able to do whatever they want, is why people would call you car-brained. If I had my way, the roads would be engineered so you couldn't go above 25 unless on an arterial road or a highway.

            • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
              29 days ago

              The comment chain is not long comrade, you can see what was said. What we both need now is to disengage, so that's what we'll do.

        • Abracadaniel [he/him]
          29 days ago

          what do you suggest? should it be standard practice to speed up until the person behind us gives a decent following distance? quite often that will in effect just turn roads into a racetrack since so many drivers see someone ahead of them as an impediment.

          most of the time when I'm driving I keep a safe following distance (2-4 seconds) between myself and the driver ahead (I'm driving the same speed as them, just keeping a gap for safety) and that's enough to frequently have drivers behind me tailgate, go apeshit, and aggressively pass just to end up 4 seconds ahead, or I catch them at the next light.

    • git [he/him, comrade/them]
      29 days ago

      Liberalism is when you don’t want to kill other road users.

      I don’t know if you’ve ever had a man in a white van behind you on a UK road but they will try to match any speed you go at and leave less than a foot between bumpers if possible, so best to play it safe and go the limit so you actually have some stopping distance. If they rear end you that’s their problem from an insurance perspective.

      Like sure I can do 0-60 in 4.4 seconds but this is a residential area and I’m not about to kill somebody who steps out from behind a parked car, thanks. Find an alternative route if it’s life and death.

      Idk i guess I care more about people losing their jobs because they're late to work than some of y'all do

      Set out earlier instead of hoping you can recoup the time by speeding then? Average speed of traffic over the whole journey is what matters, so plan for that. I’ve literally tested this myself multiple times by doing 130 on a motorway for a 40mi journey vs sticking to 70 on cruise control, and I’d save at most a couple of minutes. That’s not worth the extra danger/getting pulled over.

      • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
        29 days ago

        Liberalism is when you don’t want to kill other road users.

        No it's when you live your life operating under "literally every human being on the road but me is just being an asshole for no reason" with a callous disregard for the material circumstances driving their behavior

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      29 days ago

      Like idk it just comes off as weirdly reddit brained liberalism but hey I guess I'm going to be called a car brained moron for thinking "speed limits are generally really fucking arbitrary and like shit happens and people have needs".

      I mean you could look up however speed limits are set where you are, it's generally a highly politized thing with transparent processes, most usually with the stated goal of setting the speed limit as high as possible because that's more gooder.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      29 days ago

      I’m sure every single person doing 95 on the freeway is in a life or death emergency

    • RNAi [he/him]
      29 days ago

      Drunk driving fandom is dying retweet if you booze and cruise

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      29 days ago

      Do you live in the US? Everyone speeds constantly and gets mad if you don't do the same, even though they can literally just pass you.

      If they had an actual emergency they would have just passed immediately instead of getting mad that someone else was driving more carefully.

      Places with 35 mph speed limits are often residential, retail or otherwise see decent amounts of foot traffic, and you should absolutely not be speeding through them.

      EDIT: the image absolutely does look racist though, the passenger in the van particularly, and American flags in avatar is extremely concerning. Being pro-speeding is still a wild car-brained take though