He’s less of a problematic fave also we could use this :maduro_coffee-big: which is fun

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    If we're looking for a less problematic person who outlived a ton of adversaries, you can't do much better than Castro.

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    What's problematic about Assad?

    Tell me without regurgitating CIA talking points

    In 2012 a majority of Syrians supported Assad (55%) yet from reading most Western media you'd think this was something like 12 percent. That was the height of the opposition movement. Within a year (2013) most of the opposition went back to the government after seeing what the West was doing in supplying weapons to any jihadist head chopper that would kill Assad.


    Trump won the election in 2016 with only 46.1%

    2012 - Obama won with 51%

    2008 Obama won with 52%

    So who is more legitimate?

    If you retreat from a leader that has stood firm in the face in the most disgusting onslaught the West has launched against another sovereign nation since Iraq then you will end up retreating to someone like Corbyn - who will be smeared as a Maoist/Communist/Czech spy/antisemite anyway

    May as well have some principles and stand like a rock instead of like a weathervane by trying to appease liberals

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Siri, what is Lenin and the Right Of Nations To Self Determination?

        his views are not alligned with ours at all,

        Hmmm really

        and he’s only an anti-imperialist out of necessity.

        So our views do actually align?

        Of course we should critically support Syria in their anti-imperialist struggle against the USA,

        Why this critical support? I support him fully. I have waved banners of him at demonstrations. What's more the 2 Communist Parties of Syria both support Assad and the Syrian Arab Army

        When the Syrian Communist Party Unified or the Syrian Communist Party Bakdash are in a position to overthrow capitalism I willy rally behind those. However those 2 Communist parties have surveyed the local landscape of Syria and correctly identified the people are behind Bashar in a period where over 40 foreign armies have occupied Syrian soil in one of the bloodiest civil wars of the century so far

        Death to "critical support"

        Statement from Syrian Communist Party Unified ( click for full statement I only copied the most pertinent bit )

        Blood is still being shed in Syria, especially in the city of Aleppo, the second capital of the country. 75 percent of its territories were freed by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies. However, terrorists in Aleppo refused any truce to save the lives of civilians, whom they use as human shields.

        The Syrian people, along with the government, Syrian army and progressive political forces of the country, has been bravely resisting this aggression since its beginning in 2011.

        Terrorists who fulfill this attack on Syria have come from more than 80 countries, supported by the imperial powers of the world and their allies.

        Comrades, our party is most interested in confirming the following facts:

        It is not acceptable to put the offender and the victim on an equal footing.

        International law does not allow any county to interfere in the internal affairs of any other country, which is what the terrorists and their supporters do in Syria. Demanding President Assad step down is an affair to be decided only by the Syrian people.

        The aggressors are the only side who carry the full responsibility for the losses and damages in the country.

        The aggression against Syria is going along with mass media/imperialist campaign, on which billions of dollars are spent by the USA and Saudi Arabia. Through this media facts about events in the country are falsified and this information is spread around the world.

        Iraq is also under the same aggression and the Iraqi people are resisting it. It is the duty of all progressive forces of the world to supported the brave resistance of the Iraqi and Syrian peoples against the international terrorist aggressors.

        Statement of Syrian Communist Party Bakdash

        We support the national resistance against the aggressive policy of the reactionary regimes of Arab countries, USA, NATO and Turkey -putting aside the people of Turkey. In certain sensitive areas our comrades took up arms to defend themselves and their families. We also have comrades in the Syrian army.

        Dear Comrades!

        The target of these attacks is to beat Syria eventually. Because Syria is a front resisting imperialism. Syria is resisting with its people's dedication, determination of its army for the independence and honour of the country. And of course with the solidarity of you, all the people of dignity. I thank you once again for your solidarity on behalf of the Communist Party of Syria and the Syrian people.

        Like Ammar Bakdash, our leader said: "The only power which does not surrender to the invaders is the power of the people" To stand up is not only our duty but it is also possible.

        Syrian Communist Party stands shoulder to shoulder with the patriots in Syria against imperialists, Zionists and islamic reactionaries in order to empower the Syrian people. This is not only our patriotic but also internationalist duty.

        We do not give up our class struggle while fighting the outsider enemies.

        My comrades of the Communist Party, Turkey, forward to the Socialist Revolution!

        The victory will belong to the Palestinian people struggling against Zionism.

        The victory will belong to the people of Yemen against Saudi's.

        The victory will belong to the people of Iraq resisting invaders and terrorists.

        Eternity is for our martyrs.

        The victory belongs to all the people who resist.

        Dear Comrades!

        I repeat: Syria will not surrender!

        Long live Communism!

        Long live the internationalist movement of the working class"

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Are you saying the Man who saved the Kurds from a Turkish genocide is "problematic"???

    I'd like to see you try to stop a NATO invasion with a couple of T-54's and a slightly fatigued conscript army

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    All the same ghouls advocate for his removal anyway, doesn’t reduce the efficacy of the meme

  • ComradeMikey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    you know they always say assad MUST GO but they never ask SHOULD HE GO