I'm on a mailing list for Claudia and got this today. Kind of funny since last week the Democrats tried kicking de la Cruz off of the Georgia ballot.

  • Cowbee [he/him]
    17 days ago

    Surely the DNC can find a non-PSL sign to use, right? Or even crop it or white it out. What underpaid intern did this? Half-way think it's a Comrade intentionally making the DNC look bad makima-think

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      There are definitely protest signs about abortion rights made by people that don't even know what the PSL is lol. I'm betting on lazy intern though.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    17 days ago

    This is the perfect visual metaphor for how the democrats depict themselves as being further to the left than they are. Especially as this isn’t the first time this has happened.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    17 days ago

    Shameless fucking ghouls I am glad they have dropped all pretense of being any better than the fascists they claim to oppose.

    That recent interview where she said she wouldn't ban fracking, wouldn't stop arming genocide, wouldn't even support M4A which is almost as close to universally popular as any thing the American people agree on.

    They won't stop fascism, she even said she would be open to have a republican in her cabinet.

    I also heard some dumb fuck lib the other day speaking positively of Gavin Newsom, believing the bullshit about him actually wanting to help homeless people by getting them off the street and into housing which is obvious bullshit but I repeat myself.

    Don't let these people gaslight themselves.

    Bully them fucking all, and I don't necessarily mean go out of your way to be mean to them IRL (I will but I understand not everyone is safe or capable to do this)

    But by all fucking means we have enough receipts at this point to shut down any harm reduction argument.

    At least with republicans at the helm libs were more willing (not by much but demonstrably more so) to actually get out and go to a protest or something even if it only served as a place to have them mad enough to be open to getting agitated by our bolder comrades.

    Fuck every single one of them.

    Anyone that I know in my life that still votes for one of these people after the next political discussion they start with me is irredeemable and I consider my enemy.

    Fuck these people so fucking much.

        • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radio
          17 days ago

          You said:

          Fuck every single one of them.

          If we do as you suggest, what is your approach to running the country? What alternative do you propose? Who are you recommending to vote for instead?

          • Nakoichi [they/them]
            17 days ago

            Who are you recommending to vote for instead?

            What gave you the impression in my above post that I recommend you vote for any of these fascists?

            If that is literally all you took away from that you have a terrible imagination and are operating under peak capitalist realism and liberal brain rot.

            • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radio
              17 days ago

              If you're not going to "vote for any of these", what is your plan?

              How are you proposing to run society, get food, healthcare, education, have roads, clean water, internet connectivity, power, law, and all the other things that make it possible for you to express yourself here today?

              • Rom [he/him]
                17 days ago

                Do you think only capitalists are capable of doing those things?

              • Cowbee [he/him]
                17 days ago

                Different people here will have different methods, this is a Left-Unity instance, though most are Marxists or Anarchists.

                How familiar are you with Leftist Theory?

                • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radio
                  17 days ago

                  I live in a country where, unlike the US two party system, political parties span the entire range. So much so that it appears that at the extremes there is little to differentiate between them.

                  I'm familiar with their "solutions" to complex issues.

                  I think H.L. Mencken captures it best:

                  "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong."

                  In other words, being a society is complicated, it's messy and ultimately a reflection on human nature.

                  So, pick your path as best as you can. This is what I try to carry with me:

                  Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

                  Source: https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html

                  • Cowbee [he/him]
                    17 days ago

                    I live in a country where, unlike the US two party system, political parties span the entire range. So much so that it appears that at the extremes there is little to differentiate between them.

                    There exists no such country where Communists, Liberals, Anarchists, and fascists all compete in some grand electoral game.

                    I'm familiar with their "solutions" to complex issues.

                    These are?

                    In other words, being a society is complicated, it's messy and ultimately a reflection on human nature.

                    Don't see the point of this comment, you're implying we have simple worldviews and yet you think Human Nature matters at all, as though it isn't shaped by Material Conditions and changes with Mode of Production throughout history. You just say "it's complicated," shrug, and offer nothing, no suggestion nor critique of Leftism.

                    I ask again, how familiar are you with Leftist Theory?

                    • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radio
                      17 days ago

                      There exists no such country where Communists, Liberals, Anarchists, and fascists all compete in some grand electoral game.

                      Australia does, as far as I'm aware, have political representation for all of those alternatives and provided me the opportunity to vote for any of them, although we tend to dislike the fasists since they have a tendency to want to end society.

                      • Cowbee [he/him]
                        17 days ago

                        Mind elaborating on what party represents the Communists that you can actually vote for?

                          • Cowbee [he/him]
                            17 days ago

                            Okay, cool. So how can this party genuinely achieve Communism, within a state designed to prevent it? Even if they got voted in, how would they do it?

                            • keepcarrot [she/her]
                              17 days ago

                              CPA doesn't really do electoral entryism (and is probably the most hexbear approved Australian communist party). Socialist Alliance (ex-trots) do earnestly run for government sometimes, but are part of a gaggle of minor parties whose preferential votes disappear often, though they've gotten to city council.

                              This is just based on my local experience of being around them and volunteering, I haven't gotten into a discussion about their paths to power. There's a tacit acknowledgement that a dozen part time nerds is probably not changing much so while they occasionally scoff at each other, there's also a lot of cross-pollination and protests etc organised between them (and a few others).

                              Electorally, both of their voters generally wind up preferencing the greens, which are a big tent left party with the occasional embarrassing Malthusian, or Labor which is a blairite shit pit with the occasional left radical member.

                              Recently, the Australian electoral rules changed which increased the requirements for a party to be on the ballot, but I actually don't see that changing much in terms of actual electoral results.

                              I think realistically Australia is going to be one of the last countries with a population over 10 million to go red, despite the efforts of my comrades. Wealthy, high minimum wages, white settler nationalism very strong, most rabid antiCPC reflex etc.

                              I did meet a Cuban delegation through the CPA and Socialist Alliance, which was nice.

                              • Cowbee [he/him]
                                17 days ago

                                Oh, thanks! Genuinely was unfamiliar with the Aussie labor movement, so this is super helpful. Thanks comrade! heart-sickle

                                And yea, didn't figure they did entryism either, haha.

                                • keepcarrot [she/her]
                                  17 days ago

                                  Australia has figured out that having a high minimum wage and permanent (if low) welfare predicated on spamming job applications, and public healthcare tamps down the political radicalism a lot, while all the same being a rabid dog for US foreign policy, landlords bring the main class in parliament, and the majority of news viewership being Fox News or Fox News lite (or the state run one).

                                  Not bulletproof by any stretch, but seeing turnout at rallies, let alone active political participation regularly between big events is kinda depressing. Also talking to a lot of working class people and their whole-swallowing of nationalism. Your landlord is fucking you over right now, but at least he isn't the Chinese Communist Party. The Loony Left wants windmills which will cause power outages. Gender.

                                  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
                                    16 days ago

                                    Your landlord is fucking you over right now, but at least he isn't the Chinese Communist Party. The Loony Left wants windmills which will cause power outages. Gender.

                                    I hate living in an angloid country with these culture war nonsense coming out of literally everyone's mouths yes-honey-left

                          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
                            17 days ago

                            Yeah, so the Australian communists hypothetically get elected and then exercise state power to liquidate the capitalist class? Is that how you really think the world works?

                  • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
                    17 days ago

                    "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong."

                    omg i can understand the basics of general relativity without shitting myself to death. time to throw it into the trash!

                    also if you think marxism or communism is simple and clear than you have absolutely zero clue about any of it

                    • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
                      17 days ago

                      I looked up the guy that quote was from, and umm...

                      As an admirer of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, he was an outspoken opponent of... representative democracy... which he viewed as a system in which inferior men dominated their superiors

                      He seemed to show a genuine enthusiasm for militarism but never in its American form. "War is a good thing," he wrote, "because it is honest; it admits the central fact of human nature... A nation too long at peace becomes a sort of gigantic old maid."

                      Mencken recommended for publication philosopher and author Ayn Rand's first novel, We the Living and called it "a really excellent piece of work". Shortly afterward, Rand addressed him in correspondence as "the greatest representative of a philosophy" to which she wanted to dedicate her life, "individualism" and later listed him as her favorite columnist.

                      In addition to his identification of races with castes, Mencken had views about the superior individual within communities. He believed that every community produced a few people of clear superiority. He considered groupings on a par with hierarchies, which led to a kind of natural elitism and natural aristocracy. "Superior" individuals, in Mencken's view, were those wrongly oppressed and disdained by their own communities but nevertheless distinguished by their will and personal achievement, not by race or birth.

                      Bufe [wrote] that some of Mencken's statements were "odious", such as his claim in his 1918 introduction to Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ that "The case against the Jews is long and damning; it would justify ten thousand times as many pogroms as now go on in the world".


                      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
                        17 days ago

                        This user really started quoting a fascist in a dunk sesh with a bunch of commies lol.

                        • Nakoichi [they/them]
                          16 days ago

                          This has to be the funniest case of a liberal smuglord stumbling in here thinking they are the smartest person in the room about to educate us simple minded commies and getting absolutely shredded in recent memory, very old school r/cth vibes. I love you all


                          • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
                            16 days ago

                            I always wanted to start a dunk session. I just never imagined I would do it with a post in the_dunk_tank lol. The post was mostly meant to poke fun at the sign co-opting too. Didn't expect an Australian trying to lib-plain US politics to those of us who are actively getting crushed by the US machine...

                            I think this is probably my best post on hexbear now, but also the amount of info that other hexbears just bring with fire in dunk sessions has always impressed me.

                      • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
                        17 days ago

                        A nation too long at peace becomes a sort of gigantic old maid

                        i love this appears to be the harshest criticism he can come up with of peace. "ummm actually being peaceful makes you like an OLD WORKING CLASS WOMAN. owned yet?!??"

                        • Speaker [e/em/eir]
                          17 days ago

                          The expression "old maid" is a synonym for "spinster", and suggests an elderly unmarried woman rather than an occupation. So it's more a misogynistic insult than a classist one.

                  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                    17 days ago

                    I live in a country where, unlike the US two party system, political parties span the entire range

                    No you don't

                    I'm familiar with their "solutions" to complex issues.

                    So you're familiar with Marx? What a coincidence, so am I CommiePOGGERS

                    Ok, let's confirm your "familiarity" with the most basic question imaginable......

                    According to Marx how many sources of profit are there?

                    In other words, being a society is complicated, it's messy and ultimately a reflection on human nature

                    Define human nature, use as many words as you need

                    • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                      16 days ago

                      Hey! Their country is completely different! Unlike the US, which just has a far right and right wing party, they have both of those and a centre party, and a vaguely centrist party that claims to be left that never gets elected! It's completely different!

              • Preston Maness ☭@lemmygrad.ml
                17 days ago

                How are you proposing to run society, get food, healthcare, education, have roads, clean water, internet connectivity, power, law, and all the other things that make it possible for you to express yourself here today?

                The party in question (PSL) actually has taken a stab at what their vision of the first ten years of a socialist United States would look like:


              • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]
                17 days ago

                What does any of that have to do with the specific neoliberal system we live under? Do you think if we didn't have a gerrymandered, bourgeois, "democratic" republic exactly like this one society would immediately collapse?

                Your comment seems to imply you think the range of stability stretches from Kamala to Trump.

                • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radio
                  17 days ago

                  Your comment seems to imply you think the range of stability stretches from Kamala to Trump.

                  I don't live in a country where those are voting options, so no.

                  I was attempting to ask the OP what they were planning if they didn't like either of those choices, but it seems that question has gone unanswered.

                  • Rom [he/him]
                    17 days ago

                    Multiple users have directly answered your question, don't play dumb.

                  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
                    16 days ago

                    I don't know what you want @Nakoichi@hexbear.net to specifically say, but they're a left wing anarchist, so thats the alternative being proposed. There are centuries of books on what leftists want, it's not a mystery or something we avoid talking about.

                    We're not liberals who are advocating for making tweaks or legislation. We don't want to operate the current situation. We want to overthrow the current social arrangement and elevate the working class to the status of dominant political and economic authority. The particulars of how the working class will exert this dominance has to get figured out on the way because of things like geography, culture, historical conflict, etc.

                    So we don't have the answer on how exactly a socialist America would look, because we don't even have a united front yet to realistically take power. Why worry about what color the drapes are gonna be if we don't even have a foundation yet?

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                17 days ago

                How are you proposing to run society, get food, healthcare, education, have roads, clean water, internet connectivity, power, law, and all the other things that make it possible for you to express yourself here today?

                Well first you should stop voting for people who are responsible for degrading the government's ability to sustain all of those things that make it possible for you to express yourself here today, that includes Republicans and Democrats

                Before advancing any prescription, the principle of DO NO HARM must first be applied, that holds true in medicine as well as politics

                Also helps to have a basic education in concepts that seem to be out of your depth like; Socialism, leftism.......or general anti-fascism

              • CantaloupeAss [comrade/them]
                17 days ago

                You can start by reading the Communist manifesto https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm

          • Awoo [she/her]
            17 days ago

            Who are you recommending to vote for instead?

            Claudia & Karina are objectively the only lesser evil in america. Guess who just got blurred out in this picture? Their party.

          • tocopherol [any]
            17 days ago

            The alternative and only true harm reduction for the world is to reduce any power the US has, build alternative structures of material support outside of the state, sabotage the military industrial complex, grow more of your own food if possible and arm yourself and your comrades. Voting accomplishes none of this and only legitimizes a murdering band of thieves that run this shithole.

      • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
        17 days ago

        There are other options besides voting blue and expecting different results. Reform the DNC has been going on since MLK days. Belafonte said MLK before he was assassinated was worried about integrating into a burning house and that perhaps the Democratic party isn't salvagable - in 2005 to then Senators Obama and Clinton.

        Lawrence O'Donnell said when he working in the DNC they didn't have to listen to anything on the left. That if we wanted to move the party we had to show them we were capable of not voting for them. That this illusion we had no where to go breaks.

        Right now the majority is doing the insane ritual of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. wall-talk

        People don't understand that the DNC and hillary-contempt made cheeto-man . With the Pied piper strategy. to throw people into a game of existential chicken. They use Trump as a shield while they became the party of Bush and Cheney.

        If anything is to be learned from flattened-bernie's campaigns is The Democrats are NOT "the left". collusion. "The Left" needs to drop them and that is on the DNC, not the voters. That is their policies and corruption. No amount of #FrauDSquAd AyyyyyOC-big turncoats death-to-the-poor good-morning is going to change that. The DNC is where progress goes to die. That is their function. They protect the crap-it-all-ist class from the left.

        Look at California. Super majority Democrats. 5th largest economy in the world. Deliberately shuts down Universal Healthcare - thrice. Obama had a chance to do a public option - it's what he campaigned on and had the means to do with after the disater of no-oil . Nope Obamacare, aka Romneycare - a republican plan. And still medical debt is crushing people to death and costs, even with insurance, scare people away from seeking care.

        We are always met with maybe-later-honey "how you going to pay for it" and maybe-later-kiddo "maybe later kiddo" while they pull out billions and trillions for war and corporate hand outs - no question.

        The same old hold your nose and consent to the "nice / joy" cop top-cop committing genocide is tried and fried. There is no pushing that party left - especialy when they disgustingly support modern fascism and genocides.

        Country needs a hard course correcting change not kicking the can down another generation.

      • Rom [he/him]
        17 days ago

        Overthrow the unjust capitalist system and seize the means of production for the working class.

  • miz [any, any]
    17 days ago

    this has happened before, I distinctly remember them doing this during the 2020 primary

  • lil_tank [any, he/him]
    17 days ago

    I'm no graphical artist but I'm pretty sure I could roughly disappear the PSL stripe with GIMP if I tried. They really don't give a fuck they just blurred it because their supporters are drones

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      Yeah blurring it just makes people curious, doesn't it? They could have easily censored it to look natural but like you said they don't care

      • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
        16 days ago

        Hell, they could've edited it to say Democrat on it. But they're too lazy to even do that. Cmon libs, your propaganda is getting lazier!

    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      For real, if it doesn't have any messy gradient stuff going on, blocking it out with the surrounding color in GIMP is super easy. I do it all the time lol.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        17 days ago

        Just circling the damn thing and doing a content-aware fill will usually fix the problem in 10 seconds.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    17 days ago

    Republicans: Kamala is a Communist

    Democrats: No we aren't posts stolen communist agitprop

    Actual Communists: lenin-rage

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    17 days ago

    They've done this a bunch of times, with PSL even. I remember there were a bunch of PSL signs at the 2017 women's march that got blurred out by some Democrat Instagram or twitter