Literally when has the west ever fought for LGBT rights? The best reasoning I ever hear the cow-pies come up with is "well I stereotype every Arab as a homophobe, and we've murdered a lot of them in the war on terror, therefore that was good."
He himself has said "to the extent that it matters, I'm not gay" which is basically just "yeah I'm gay but I suppress it like a good Christian". So beyond stereotyping, he's pretty much just admitted it.
3 generations comm ban for OP
You can't stop me...I can go lower
Literally when has the west ever fought for LGBT rights? The best reasoning I ever hear the cow-pies come up with is "well I stereotype every Arab as a homophobe, and we've murdered a lot of them in the war on terror, therefore that was good."
In a lot of ways turning Libya into the world capital of human trafficking is a win for queer slave owners.
The first thing I thought of on reading “queer slave owners” was Lindsey Graham.
On the one hand I feel like this is queer stereotyping, but on the other hand that dude has definitely sucked some dicks.
He himself has said "to the extent that it matters, I'm not gay" which is basically just "yeah I'm gay but I suppress it like a good Christian". So beyond stereotyping, he's pretty much just admitted it.
Lmao wtf can I get a source on that.
Imagine having the east german border guard twink as your pfp to post takes like that
The pfp, the flag, 'progressive', ISLAMIST imperialism, that screenshot truly has it all
I want to shove these fucking nerds into a locker and then shove that locker into a volcano.
Don't feed mother earth unhealthy junk food like that
She eats all of us eventually this is just accelerating the process
At least feed the eels their share alongside their daily battery ration
This is simply
ultra-basedtummy ache inducingThis is why people say unlimited genocide on the first world