Pictured above: the old ass bond my aunt says she's gonna use to make china pay

For personal reasons, I had to briefly return to my shitty family and my aunt launched into this rant about how evil the CCP is for "unleashing" the coronavirus upon america. She started boasting about "our great family history" of "sticking it to China" and how my great-great-great-grandfather or some shit was part of the expeditionary force that crushed the boxer rebellion and became a "businessman" residing in one of the foreign concessions. She declined to specify what exactly this "business" was. 🤔 I wonder why?

She went on ranting about how the Chinese have "unlearned the civilized ways that we taught them" and segued into some truly bloodthirsty shit about the need for western powers to unite and invade China to "re-civilize" them.

Anyways she said the first step in making the commies pay for their crimes (which included "destroying our family business there" and "stealing our property") was by forcing the government to redeem some bond from fucking 1913 passed down from her precious ancestors. She has this old piece of paper framed.

She was so unhinged and yikesy even my ghoul cousins started to get visibly uncomfortable.

Didn't know my family could get any shittier but here I am.

putting a reply up here that gives important context because the comment links are broken:

My family is super into this ancestry shit. Not like those sketchy DNA tests, my great-uncle was a genealogist who compiled a list of all our ancestors dating back to the late 1600s. My family has a collection of letters written by ancestors, photos of each of them if available, and other personal effects (including antiques looted from China!). They weren’t the usual “destitute people who sold themselves into bondage to get here and clawed their way to the top” story, they were wealthy pricks before they came here, and they remained wealthy pricks afterwards. They made a fortune off the slave trade. Unsurprisingly, they were confederates. At the dawn of the 20th century, (and this is the part I learned about today) they saw an opportunity to make an even bigger fortune in the far east and Africa. And they did. “Big fortune” might be a tame way of describing it. You’re not gonna find a 10 page biography of them on Britannica, but they were big players. They benefited massively off of the unequal treaties. Meanwhile, they decided that just wasn’t enough for them, and opened up factories at home with their blood money. I think we all know how early 20th century factory owners treated their workers (a substantial amount of which were children). But wait, that’s not all! Those workers need some place to live, don’t they? So on top of that, they became landlords too.

Although the age of blatant imperialism is long over, they still own factories and they’re still landlords. And they’re perfectly happy with enjoying the fruits of their ancestral plunder.

edit: I've already cut a lot of my family off by now. The only reason I agreed to go was because my aunt (who herself has become sort of an outcast) lives by herself and the only other people going were two of my cousins. I haven't seen most other people from the family in a year.

  • PlasticRadioMan [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Being proud of partaking in putting down the boxer rebellion is some real unhinged imperialism

    • VILenin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      My family is super shitty. My aunt takes shitty to dizzying new heights. She does not come across as a mentally sound person. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she started spewing QAnon shit.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Well that bond is from a German bank, so maybe she should write to the Kaiser and complain.

  • Comrade_Crab [any]
    4 years ago

    You should probably inform your aunt that since the bond was issued by the Republic of China, she should be demanding money from Taiwan, not the PRC.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      But... but... but Taiwan is the good China!

      But for real she's not gonna have any more success with Taiwan than she will with the PRC. What's she gonna do when they tell her to fuck off? Piss n shid her pants?

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      4 years ago

      No, no. Absolutely do send her to Beijing. I want to see what the MSS does to a white Karen marching up and down Tiananmen Square trying to redeem a blood money bond.

      • VILenin [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It would be comedy gold. Too bad she's too paranoid of the "totalitarian communist state", she wouldn't dare set foot in China. She'd probably hire someone to go there for her. The reason for her paranoia is because her cousin was beaten half to death during the Tiananmen Square incident. This story is well known in my family except she leaves out the part where it was the protestors that suspected him of being an undercover cop so they beat him until they thought he was dead (they suspected him because he tried protecting a soldier from a group of protestors). This guy still lives and works in China btw, he's one of the few members of my family that isn't trash. So big yikes there exploiting her cousin's near-death experience to further her own delusional narrative.

  • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I honestly don't understand racism. Like...even if we go with the faulty reasoning of what makes a people "civilized" like...how do mayos look at fucking China one of the oldest civilizations in the world with an accomplished history and are just like "yep savages".

    • VILenin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I only have to be here for another day, but holy shit time seems to stand still.

      • RNAi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Why scape? No, no, no, dunk on her until she cries.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I would but one of my cousins just told her to calm down and now she's big mad

          edit: ok she stopped yelling now but she told everyone she needed to go for a walk and stormed out

          edit 2: she's back and has locked herself in her bedroom

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    As a white American I'm glad my ancestors were all losers and worked as like miners and tinsmiths instead of this shit.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's based, my great grandfather was a hardcore union man with the transit Union, a bus driver like Maduro lol. I haven't heard many stories like this though, if he did anything badass like that his geriatric chud children wouldn't tell me about it. I know he always told my grandfather and his siblings he'd kick them out of they kept taking right wing politics at holidays and family reunions lmao. He also became accepting of lgbt folks through decades in AA.

        But yeah I know why you mean. I'm sure some of my more recent immigrant irish ancestors were probably cops lol. No matter what we are all settlers on someone else's land.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          4 years ago

          A lot of the posters here have ancestors that were cool union folks, too bad mine were the ones hiring people to bust them.

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    be funny if they agreed then paid it in 1 franc coins
    enjoy your 2 3/4 thousand tonnes of worthless metal lol

    • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Lol, 1913-1940 they say? Are they claiming the CCP was in power during that time? The government "responsible" for this "1.7trillion dollar sovereign debt" nonsense is also Taiwan, whatever that's worth 😄

    • VILenin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      unironically late 19th century & early 20th century design aesthetics is chef's kiss

    • joshieecs [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      Seems like the document was a product of Waterlow & Sons Limited, London Wall, London F. C. and not the Chinese, but it's still lovely.


      • p_sharikov [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's cool though. Just steal it and hang it up next to a bunch of communist stuff.

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          It's a based reminder of how much sustenance was protected from the hordes of western capitalists

  • ARVSPEX [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    my great-great-great-grandfather or some shit was part of the expeditionary force that crushed the boxer rebellion

    Do not take it personal—you are alright—but I wish noting but pain and suffering upon your family.

    unlearned the civilized ways that we taught them
