eco-porky yes-hahaha-yes-l

    3 hours ago

    leave the farmers alone

    I hate that argument. Most food production in the imperial core comes from like a few highly industrialised corporations ruthlessly exploiting cheap labour from eastern europe. We' re not in 1800 anymore where "the farmer" is just some humble person selling their produce on the local farmers market. And even if they were it wouldn't make them immune to progress

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      35 minutes ago

      Holy shit, so much propaganda is wrapped around the idea that a “farmer” in the modern day is a kindly old white man tending to his fields and not some landed gentry millionaire who has immigrants doing all the real work under the table.

  • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
    7 hours ago

    The one who’s destroying the oil and gas industry was Trump lol!

    If you know anything about the oil industry, you’d know that the investors hated Trump. Many investors who went all in on the Shale revolution in 2013-14 (which was booming thanks to Obama) all ended up losing billions and billions under Trump because he wanted to keep gas price low. Trump truly didn’t know what he was doing lol.

    It took until Biden’s Ukraine war to pivot the US back into a top oil and natural gas exporter again, and profits started to flow once more.

    Trump also forced China into signing long-term contracts with the US to purchase liquid natural gas, then when the price exploded during the Ukraine war, the producers who were involved in the contracts all ended up losing money all because Trump wanted to show what a genius he was at making business deals with his enemies lol.

    The stereotype that oil and gas people only vote for the Republicans may no longer hold true after seeing what Trump has done to their industry lol. All of Biden’s maneuvers following Trump’s fumbling may just have gained the Democratic Party the support from the energy sector this time around.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    9 hours ago

    It’s scary to think that the wealthy and politically powerful think like him. Makes you realize we’re absolutely getting the worst case scenario.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      8 hours ago

      When the choices are socialism or barbarism and the barbarians rule us already. marx-doomer

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    “Guys think of the poor corporations that are an active threat to humanity!”

    L + ratio + nice commodity fetishism + kid named nuclear + other kid named rapidly growing renewables + cope.

  • chungusamonugs [he/him]
    11 hours ago

    Climate scientists being off by 20% on a century long prediction is "credibility diminishing" but elon musk saying provably false information every day incessantly is actually cool and smart.

    • vegeta1 [none/use name]
      9 hours ago

      This selective shit really pisses me off. This dude said there'll be millions on mars in 20 years. Solar city hyperloop robotaxi all BS. Full Self driving kicked down the road. Turned shittee into the biggest disinformation peddler on the net. But climate scientists are the ones with dimishing credibility

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 hours ago

      so-true "Heh... off by 20%! Goes to show how little the 'experts' know!"

      soypoint-1 "ELO~N SAYS MARS COLONY BY 2012 I MEAN 2020 I MEAN 2024 I MEAN 2026 I MEAN" soypoint-2

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    12 hours ago

    Every single ipcc report has drastically under-estimated both the amount of heatig and the rate at which heating is accelerating.

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      12 hours ago

      I despair at the people who see that and take from it "the IPCC is therefore always lying, doesn't know anything, and we should burn more fossil fuels"

      • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
        29 minutes ago

        Sometimes I hope aliens do invade and try to save the few of us humans who did nothing wrong from fascists.

        Imagine being an intergalactic archaeologist and you stumble upon earth. After some research you and the rest of your team have to explain with a straight face that the species known as ‘human’ went extinct because saving the planet was too unpopular.

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    12 hours ago

    Bro posted this the day after Hurricane Helene, which put USA at the same number of Cat. 4 or 5 landfalls in the last, like 8 years, as all the previous 50-ish

    You better start believing in extreme climate experiments Mr.'re in one

  • vegeta1 [none/use name]
    11 hours ago

    He said a whole bunch of nothing as usual. No wonder he steals memes and quotes others.

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    14 hours ago

    Dog it's the end of September and it's 110° degrees outside right now.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 hours ago

      Can you feel the hard work of keeping civilization going? my-hero

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    13 hours ago

    Dude sells EV’s for a living and he’s standing up for the competition…

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      8 hours ago

      New bit: A CHUD who wants to cancel Elon Musk because he sells EVs and built a brand on sustainability, and also had pro-lgbt things to say in the past and never apologized for any of it.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      6 hours ago

      Takes a lot of energy. Cheaper just to fling him out into space so he can watch everything get darker and darker as we leave him behind.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 hours ago

          He could drop evs tomorrow and start making gas cars and I doubt anyone would notice or care.

          Chuds would more openly and cheerfully buy his garbage. It's the smartest business move at this point for him.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 hours ago

      He's the highest profile kind of low hanging fruit. I have other material for the Drej Tank.