Love to see a bunch of shit I'm not qualified for and then a bunch of things that don't begin to cover my expenses and feel bad about myself and my circumstances and cry and eventually put one application for a custodian position with the county because what the fuck else will I do

I know if I went back to school and finished a degree it would give me a leg up but I just can't fucking handle the workload of work and school anymore, I feel like such a lazy piece of shit but I just don't have it in me anymore to keep this shit up

Dealing with a lot of dark thoughts today. Very dark.

  • peppersky [he/him, any]
    33 minutes ago

    capitalism is specifically designed to make you feel useless when doing anything that is not producing profits for your boss. it's all nonsense dude, nothing that has anything to do with getting a job has anything to do with who you are as a person.

  • Lerios [hy/hym]
    38 minutes ago

    a bunch of shit I'm not qualified for

    often these postings are made by HR people who don't actually know shit about the position. my job ad asked for experience in a language that hadn't actually been used in this company for fucking years, i knew that language and then straight up lied about knowing the one we actually use. i apologise if i'm stating the obvious here comrade, but some people in my life don't do this -- 100% apply to shit you're not qualified for and lie about anything that no one can prove. fuck those corpos, good luck meow-hug inshallah

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    3 hours ago

    I'm worried I'll have start this again soon. My boss and workplace seem very accommodating for bereavement but I've just handed off all my clients and I've been ghosted by workplaces before. Also, casual so "bereavement leave" is just me not getting any hours

  • Vernon_Tennessee [null/void, he/him]
    6 hours ago

    Theres something very dark and twisted in telling people how high youll jump for them in order to survive. I remember being unemployed last year and doing the dumbest most degrading shit for job interviews.

    One literally had me do a math test, which I did poorly at, before being asked to do it again. Then they asked me what I wanted to do for a career, which I told them some generic answer until they kept asking and got a real answer, which I told them ideally Id be a professional musician. Which they didnt like. Go figure.

    Like normalize just trying to survive. Come on.

    • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
      6 hours ago

      I interviewed for a job years ago that would have involved setting / stocking shelves for a grocery chain, distinctly remember the guy visibly losing interest when I said I hadn't researched the companies mission and core values. Like oh wow I really want to slurp up whatever bullshit the marketing team decided to put up on their website, suck off me.

      • bigboopballs [he/him]
        3 hours ago

        distinctly remember the guy visibly losing interest when I said I hadn't researched the companies mission and core values.

        oh my god, what kind of dork even cares about that shit?

        • keepcarrot [she/her]
          3 hours ago

          Internally, no one. Externally, also no one. It is entirely in the boundary of preliminary hires and preliminary large scale clients, and nothing else

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    5 hours ago

    Yeah, you have my empathy, job hunting is brutally alienating, and as with so many things under Capitalism the cruelty is the point. Hope you manage to find something that doesn't totally suck!

    7 hours ago

    Holy shit I hate job hunting so fucking much. It feels like it is designed to make neurodivergent people suffer. My last interview was a group interview and fuck I should have just left. Never agreeing to another one of those torture sessions again.

  • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    7 hours ago

    You deserve to live a full and flourishing life, Comrade.

    I'm sorry Capitalism failed you. This isn't your fault.

  • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
    5 hours ago

    Going on 13 months since I lost my last job. Right there with you comrade. Solidarity rat-salute-2

    My last job rejection (after a series of interviews), they were hiring 10 people for the role. Despite having held the same job title as I was applying for for about 10 years, somehow I was apparently not desirable enough to be one of ten, let alone #1. Fuck 'em all.

    Normally I'm lucky to get an interview at all kitty-birthday-sad

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 hours ago

      Someday you'll find the shark fucking position you were made for

      Full disclosure I'm employed I just hate my job because it's soul-draining and there's no structure and the work just piles higher and higher and it's a constant sensory overload assault on my eyes and ears

    • darkdantedevil [none/use name]
      4 hours ago

      Sorry dude. That sounds...grinding. Hope you find something half way decent soon. You deserve to be treated like a person , with value, and your skills should be recognized too. Solidarity, Internet stranger. I feel for ya.

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]
    9 hours ago

    I swear the process is designed to discipline labor. It's a weird hazing ritual we've normalized as part of making a living so you feel indebted to whoever hires you for ending the madness.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      8 hours ago

      It kind of feels like the internet ruined it a bit. Jobs are so fucking competitive now, and posted so far and wide, that everyone is desperately jumping through hoops submitting white-hot applications. I can't just walk in an ask around, and get lucky. Why would they take a risk on me when they can send the job posting out to the most overqualified candidates in the area?

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        Corpo ghouls call this "churn" and it's intentional. They want everyone to be in precarious positions so they can be exploited for less.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    From what it looks like out there, "job hunting" often feels more like "job begging" complete with the acts of humiliation, the requirement to roam around and count on the vanishingly scarce generosity of others.

    As a formerly homeless person myself, I think I know those dark thoughts because I've had my own. Sometimes, only spite kept me going.

    I have no meaningful advice that you probably haven't already heard, except that I believe that every day you're alive is one day closer to outlasting this.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    8 hours ago

    If you have the chance to do a degree you might as well. It's really not that difficult to at least pass. Like, the standard of work I saw from my worst classmates (who all passed) was sometimes quite astounding. I played video games and smoked too much weed, handed stuff in that I thought was totally shoddy, and still got a first. So do a lot of people.

    If you do one, make sure it's one with a lot of practical stuff or placements. That way your grade isn't on doing some academic bullshit essay where you have to self motivate in the comfort of your own home where you'd rather be doing anything else, it's about showing up to a place where you can really feel you're learning a real world skill. And you can then put it on your CV. Very valuable. Plus it's fun, you'll meet people you can hang out with. University is more about gaining people skills and confidence than learning, to be honest.

    That said... I'm on the job hunt now and I'm not qualified for fucking anything either, lol. That's on me for doing an arts based degree. Every application takes fucking forever too. But with the experience I got from doing a degree, it feels like I'm at least hitting the dartboard, whereas before i was blindly throwing it at the backboard. Once I've thrown 150 darts, I hope I might just get a bullseye one of these days.