as a leftist and dissenter. Should i have my passport ready to flee?

  • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    18 minutes ago

    All I know is that by the time it's explicit that it's time to go, it's always already too late.

    You have to be really able to read the signs and have the means and luck to leave.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    2 hours ago

    Where would you flee to? If fascists are cracking down on refugees and immigrants, those refugees and immigrants from the global South will end out needing somewhere else to go and I'd prefer they did that before someone fleeing cause they are afraid of danger but in less immediate danger, especially a leftist who should be fighting fascists, not running away from them.

  • Barx [none/use name]
    4 hours ago

    This is a rise of reactionaries that admire some fascist aesthetics and positions, not fascist themselves. There is no left for them to fight. It is liberals vs. liberals vs. liberals with the more right wing ones capitalizing on neoliberals' unpopular policy outcomes.

    All of the liberals will come for us when there is crisis. They often already do, it is just normalized as the "criminal justice system". See: Germany's crackdown on criticizing Israel or supporting Palestinian liberation.

    It is a good idea to be prepared to flee if you do any kind of left work. It is a better idea to do this as part of an org, to go through threat models and preparations with your org, to identify where you would go and to begin building relationships with people in those nations. If you do international work and go to spicy locations using proper precautions, you will learn useful skills for moving around and hiding your plans.

    Don't just focus on the farther-right liberals. The first group to come after you could just as easily be mainstem left liberals. Scratch a liberal...

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 hours ago

    I'm operating on a timetable of getting out sometime before 2035 at the latest, my mother is already leaving in the next year to lay the groundwork for me and my siblings to follow

    I don't want to be caught in what's coming in the next 15 years

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 hours ago


    You should get your passport in order and, like... idk, 3-4k in gold.

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    3 hours ago

    I'm stuck in the USA for at least another 8 years but I'm starting to wonder if exit strategies are something I need to be considering more strongly. At the very least I think maybe I shouldn't stay in texas. I don't know exactly what the timeline is and I don't think there's going to be a full masks off fascist coup overnight in the next year or anything but l if we all accept the premise that material conditions are only going to worsen then we should all be pretty fucking concerned that the fascists are a hell of a lot more organized and proactive about laying groundwork than we are.

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      2 hours ago

      we should all be pretty fucking concerned that the fascists are a hell of a lot more organized and proactive about laying groundwork than we are.

      Of course they are, they are the govt. and institutions across the west, after all. The military, the police, the various alphabet agencies, and the established cores of almost any political parties of relevance (US democrats and UK labor ofc, but also Canadian NDP, German Greens, etc), they're all fascist and very actively engaged in laying the foundations for the fascist consolidation and repression that's to come. There is no way to remotely compete with that organization and groundwork from within the imperial cores (and they will change laws or disregard them to ensure it) apart from declaring open war on the state and creating the material foundations of a revolutionary state.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 hours ago

    Those who are forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it and it seems like there's a lot of repating of history from failing to learn going on. If you have the means, leave the sinking ship that is delusional that it is perfectly fine. There is not going to be a great socialist revolution here. Only decay.

  • halfpipe [they/them]
    6 hours ago

    It's driven by the massive spike in the cost of living, especially the cost of food / housing / energy, which no party is interested in addressing, so yeah, it's a fucking problem that isn't going away.

    • queermunist she/
      4 hours ago

      It's also driven by the declining rate of superprofit as the BRICS further decolonize the world, which in turn is causing the prices of food/housing/energy to rise. That, along with climate change, are sending us straight into a crisis of capitalism.

      • gay_king_prince_charles [she/her, he/him]
        42 minutes ago

        I believe Vietnam has a loophole in it's travel visa where you can stay for 60 days and live there like normal but need to take a 3 day vacation out of the country every 60 days to avoid deportation. I have no clue what their rules on immigrant labor are though.

  • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
    5 hours ago

    We have renewed our passports for sure. The only other option here is just doing ideology atm, no material analysis whatsoever. Just today I saw a political lib post about how groundbreaking it is to consider how right wing populism is about rhetoric and how with rhetoric they are getting all this support.

    The leftish parties just point at these rightwing nuts in outrage with no alternatives given, and then move on to the next outrage. They aren't engaging in an analysis of the material conditions of these movements because if they did, they would get an answer they don't like. And this is why I think things are going to get very bad before they get better.

  • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
    6 hours ago

    I'm ready to bounce. As individuals we're not going to tip the scales one way or another. If we can retreat/regroup to places where it's safer to organize, there's nothing wrong with that. Revolutionaries throughout history have gone into exile. An actual revolution will take people who've left and exert pressure from outside, and those that stay to exert pressure within. Do what suits your abilities and means.