I can't stand political ads especially from the right. I hate how they equate Biden with socialism when he doesn't have a single real left wing opinion, just one that is left of the center right.
Like can we just outlaw political advertising, please.
Generally, the lip service to minority groups and not openly supporting a genocide. Just quietly supporting it.
Very True. I forgot about ads in general, cause I ad block everything now.
Literally "Socialism is just things I don't like" mentality.
Like can we just outlaw political advertising, please.
Sounds authoritarian
How does Biden refute this? Nobody knows what the fuck he's running on, other than not banning fracking. At least Bernie could say "Who gives a fuck. You know you need medicare. Or do you like the idea of your boss taking your healthcare away on a whim?"
We CaN't HaVe BeRnIe RuN BeCaUsE ThE rIgHt WiLl CaLl HiM a SoCiAlIsT!
Oriental-looking fish-hook dragon swan. Come on now, it's obvious!