Honestly these proverbs need to stop. Nothing is stronger than a bullet.
y'all remember during the Arab Spring and the Egyptian uprising, they did topple the government, and Western media was hyping this up as the first Social Media Revolution, it ended when the military stepped in. Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun, even if you can peacefully topple a government you still gotta defend it with force.
Drones proceed to kill all of them from an air conditioned room in Washington more like.
Nah Egyptian army actually mowed down protestors in person, protestors were like "We're hundreds strong they can't kill all of us" then army killed like 400 people in one night.
Also like, don't contribute to the degradation of language and metaphor. The bullet is just a stand in for organized violence.
Kevlar beanies. Could probably make a lot of $ off tacticool chuds, especially with recent events and all.
Lmao this quote is pure garbage in general. Abe, you were voted into office and after half of your country voted to fucking secede, you fought the largest war in the history of the continent to bring it back into the fold. Shut the fuck up about voting.
Looking them up his actual quotes seem a little less "pen mightier than the sword" and more of an appeal to peace "To give the victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only, are necessary".
I'm going to hell for this, but that painting cracks me up, look how tiny the shooters arm is. He looks so mad that his arm is tiny.
Lincoln should have used more positive affirmations against getting shot in the head