I’m definitely not mad :angery:

  • SunshinePharmer [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Also, our culture does nothing ng to teach people how to treat others and do the heavy emotional lifting. When we are all treated as consumers, we start believing it and behave like we are customers who are always right.

    Bad service? Get up and walk out.

    Bad date? Doesn't matter. They aren't a person and you don't owe them shit. There are plenty more.

    It goes without saying that we have become super detached. I started noticing it at music festivals where they sold you the "woodstock vibes" but there were advertisements for products everywhere, everyone was creating a false sense of scarcity with their "limited edition, brah!" T shirts where they took the tony the tiger logo and put a band name under it.

    When the music was over every night, everyone files out of the stage area back to the camping area, they don't look you in the eye or acknowledge you in any way as they push through the crowd that is literally shoulder to shoulder. It gets so tight you can't even breathe. It's because they are all consumers, and other people's comfort or feelings are not factored into capitalism. You got yours, that's all that matters. Then you can go home and tell everyone what a beautiful experience you had and how it was "just like woodstock".

    Capitalism is.meant to put you in a smaller and smaller box throughout your life until that box is a coffin. I'm honestly surprised they still encourage people to take up a 6x4 hole in the ground when that space could be used better for a Dollar General across the street from a Family Dollar.

    • summerbl1nd [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      For some reason this reminded me of the time I was fucked up on Molly and some flavor of speed at a party and a dude gave me the rest of his water bottle, I drained and tossed it without even thanking him feelsbadman. If you're out there guy, thanks for the water.

      • SunshinePharmer [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It happens.

        My wife and I were packing up at a music festival one time and a woman who was still very obviously tripping wandered into our camp and started getting all star child on us. My wife gave her our last gatorade in an effort to maybe get her back on track and hydrated. She took it, opened it up, spun it around in the air, spilling it everywhere and said "nothing matters, man"

        We were both a little miffed because I would have loved to have that for the ride home. But we have to at least make an effort to help others out. I'm not saying we all have to bend over backwards and give it all away, but it's always worth a try in my opinion.

    • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Capitalism is meant to put you in a smaller and smaller box throughout your life until that box is a coffin.

      Damn. Well said

    • Churnthrow123 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      People who complain about "transactional relationships" are usually cishet men who are mad that the free ride is over. "Transactional" simply means that "marginalized people aren't forced to interact with me unless I offer them something"

      People aren't obligated to talk to or associate with other people. It's very revealing that we chose to ignore others when we are actually given free choice in our social relationships. Most "non-transactional" relationships are pure misery, and people are more satisfied when they can avoid them