Welcome back jim crow
Funny how my degree is so important to staticians and debt collectors but not to employers or people who pulled the ladder up after making it.
This, nobody gives a shit about my blue hair sjw liberal arts degree unless they want to shame people or use it to explain why we should be a nation of 330 million self employed plumbers (no offense intended to tradies, love comrades in them, but it’s not for everyone nor accessible to everyone, same as college)
Holy shit, I hate the current day fetish of everyone being their own business owner.
I always ask them: “with what money?”
: “Yeah well you should have only went to a top 50 world university and got at least a summa cum laude master’s in a STEM field with 3 unpaid internships under your belt or else your degree doesn’t count! Guess you’ll have to start your OWN business, stop relying on others to hire you!”
Also would functionally eliminate the right to vote for anyone under 22
Uhh just have your parents enroll you into some fast track university program at age 12 so you can be an even more burned out "talented" child sweaty
this doesn't play well with libs because if it's theoretically possible to do it not doing it is your fault
Isn't this the person who made the original bombing a Walmart tweet? Untold damage to online discourse
Liberals will say "we don't need a revolution, I'll just go win an election" then go and not win an election.
"You believe in voting? That pales in effectiveness to my strategy, abolishing voting rights"
So my takeaway is that the DNC should have been pushing for free college education but they'd prefer a Trump win over taking care of Americans?
Their post has done nothing to change my opinion about the Dems besides reinforcing it.
No, whoever made this post is definitely still against free college. The point of college for this type of lib is as a class signifier.
Oh strongly agreed here. I'm just refusing to acknowledge the progressive narrative-pushing about how democrats are the educated, enlightened ones and the republicans are the yucky, backwards, uneducated ones.
They see that map and they see one thing - how they could have, if not should have, won. I look at the map and see something entirely different because I not only reject the basis of what they're pushing but because they are holding up yet-another incontrovertible proof of the abject failure of the DNC to do anything to stop people like Trump. If democrats are so goddamned intelligent and educated then how come they can't see the utter policy failure of every modern Democratic nominee that is embodied within this map? I swear these people are one small step away from sticking an exam graded with an F to their fridge doors.
Can't wait for the next US election though - I hear it's going to be the most important one to ever happen!!
The way some Dems are actively congratulating the Harris campaign for a job well done is truly astounding.
The fact that I'm certain this cannot be a bit and yet my better judgment is screaming that this must be a bit.
"The participation award-winner gives participation award to Kamala Harris"
In their defense, they probably don’t see a college degree as a “sign of wealth”
…because these types just assume everyone can afford the same opportunities they could.
Me, clueless with no degrees: "Half the country didn't vote in the election. Maybe you could win by appealing to them somehow?"
Very smart Democrats with many degrees: "Actually we can only win if one sixth of the population voted and half the country was disenfranchised."
Thousands of republican "colleges" would immediatly pop up overnight that would give a degree to anybody who swore loyalty to republicans while refusing to "admit" anybody left of Reagan and in like 3 years the voting populace would be 80% republicans.
God they're so fucking bad at this how can they not see one fucking move ahead at any time.
This reminds me of those "Democrat voting counties are 70% of the national economy" stories. Yeah, fuck those people who are being left behind by the economy!
The other 30% tend to be farming districts.
I'd like to see them try and neglect the people who put food on their table.
"If only the people I liked voted everything would be better"
I fucking hate this kind of revisionist drooling. It's one of those shared qualities between libs and chuds that isolates me at my family holidays between all of my worst relatives.
Fastest way to get Republicans and conserva-Dems to greenlight publicly funded higher education.
It is 2040 and the effects of climate catastrophe are now undeniable in the US. To curb the influx of immigrants, the Dems have just signed off on a bipartisan piece of legislation to guarantee anyone with property as a rightful citizen of the United States
Kinda like what’s happening in isntreal right now
You know what libs? Sure. Make university education free and accessible to all, then.