Top decile probability of death is 55 % over a decade or roughly 0.5 % per month. Thus, biden has 1 month to croak and trumpo has a year to croak, which leads to (1-0.995)*0.95+0.995=...=0.025% chance or 1 in 4000 for both to occur.
(the website data is more interesting than low probability of success)
It's not Joever till it's Joever.
Also surely the multiple Trump assassination attempts have to raise his odds a fair bit.
Should have posted this horseshit in doomer, you'll never take my hope away (at least until 1/20/25)
EDIT: You can pry my
:we-somehow-lack-a-Vance-emoji: from my cold dead hands
But dems also researched immortal phylactery tech for presidents, so i think it evens out
It can still happen but in a different way. Carter could die at any moment. Bill is in the hospital. We've got a few days left for Biden to stumble his way to death and Trump to get shot. Year of 4 dead presidents is also something
Carter could die at any moment.
so like did you go for a run, or what's up with that?