I've always been for inheritance taxes, but recently my parents revealed what I stand to inherit if they pass away. It's not a big amount but it just made me realize how strong the desire to protect property is, because all of a sudden I'm debating with myself if the inheritance tax is good or not, when previously I was like we should have a 100% tax on inheritance.

I read this article on Forbes that millenials stand to inherit $68 trillion from boomers when they all die, of course 90% of that will go to the 1%, but still a sizeable amount will go to sizeable number of people. So I'm really confused now because even Bill fuckin Gates says we need an inheritance tax, how do I have an even more bougie mentality than that parasite??

  • HighestDifficulty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Anything introduced into capitalism as an attempt to compensate for it's failings is always going to disproportionately hurt the working class. Just remember that when you adopt a position with such certainty. The system is rigged to always be this way and the only workable method within the constrains of it's structure is to rig it right back.

  • DJWalnut [she/her]
    4 years ago

    you don't pay any federal inheratence tax on the first several million you pass down. fuck it, make it 100% over $150k/person

  • comi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Well rich people don’t give a shit about inheritance tax anyway, their cutesy charities and trust funds are likely ways to bypass it completely. But what you do have to think about, is what crude material interest does to a human.

    Like boomers didn’t become these vampires in one day. They just care about what their stock market portfolio is doing and their houses appreciation. They (as a group) don’t give a shit about anything else, and you can see it. Why would they vote for one mr. Sanders/Jackson, if their money would evaporate from stock market? Why should they allow black people in their neighborhood, if their home will become cheaper? Why should they give a shit about coups in forgotten lands, if they are becoming richer from their portfolio? It’s this progression of material interests that makes older people conservative. When millennials inherit the boomer wealth, they will become the same as them (on the whole).

    So, in conclusion, feeling that government is robbing you is perfectly human and you should try to avoid it, but you can see where this thought pattern would lead you.

  • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think I read something somewhere about how accumulation originates from theft. A little book you might've heard of called a wealth of nations by karl smith?

    You might ask yourself, what is the process that even allows boomers to be sitting their round gabardine asses on $68 trillion.

    Although you need to look out for you because we live in a world of all against all. What're you gonna do, donate it all to the communism factory?

  • Lando [any]
    4 years ago

    Inheratance taxes don't kick into until it's a crazy amount of money 99% of people will never ever have to pay it.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Bill fuckin Gates says we need an inheritance tax,

    I guarantee that the Bill Gates Inheritance Tax has a bespoke loophole so that the uber wealthy can set up trusts to take care of their failkids into perpetuity.

    But yeah money breaks your fucking brain, never forget it.

  • glk [none/use name]
    4 years ago


    However if it forces people to reenter the market after building a homestead its just primitive accumulation