Chuds found out about the 'everyone is a lib except me' bit and the best they could come up with was 'everyone is trans except me'
looks like paranoid delusion manifesting in a slightly less fantastical (but more bigoted) way than "lizard people"
Just as "lizard people" allows you to be anti-semitic when there's no Jews anywhere near you, "transvestigation" allows you to be a raging transphobe when you never meet any actual trans people. Coming up next: You'll never guess which of these celebrities are secretly black!
Imagine caring about this
Like so what if they're both secretly trans, what could possibly matter less than that lmao
It's hard for me to tell anymore what's satire and what's genuinely unhinged conspiracy theorizing.
This is part of a bizarre conspiracy that I thought was subsumed by Q at this point. It alleges that every celebrity is transgender as a plot to appease Satan.
Yeah, that sounds like something I could believe if someone told me it became part of Q lore.
Why does opening the fifth eye involve posting some random whack ass Facebook group post from 2017 though?
No, like I gotta know. I feel this is what's blocking my eye's chakra; I'm not gonna go to my chiropractor at 5am so i need answers
joann kathLEEn rowling (and she gave herself that middle name - extra sus)
julie binDEL
benjaMIN Aaron shapiro
pope franCIS