If you just start sending your friends leftist content on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc and they actually watch or engage with it, wouldn't the recommendation algorithms on these platforms eventually begin showing them that sort of content on its own? I mean, if that's the case, nothing is stopping us from spamming friends and family with leftist content until the algorithms do the rest for us, right? I assume this is how a lot of us ended up here, I know it's how I did for sure, haha. 🧐🧐

Not to sound like I'm trying to take the lazy or easy approach to radicalizing people, but the left is no where near as organized as the right and things are going to get a lot worse at this rate. Just trying to think of a logical and efficient way to use these tools to our advantage to rapidly send people down the lib to left pipeline, lol.

I'm not saying use ChapoChat as a leftist propaganda network... Unless... 😳👉👈

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is important, but we also need lib looking sources for sharing leftist content from. The concept of pipelines are real, people fall down rabbitholes, but they're also very aware of of where they're getting their info from. There's this built in check that brains do where they associate the information they're consuming with the source of the information. If they know you're a radical leftist and you're sending them leftist stuff, they're seeing it as something radical and it will set off alarms to be wary; But if they get the occasional guillotine joke from the fb page Nancy Pelosi Yass Qween #1 that's going to slide in under their radar.

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Gravel Institute is great, but it's not quite what I'm talking about. Think facebook pages that are targeted directly towards the folks who are eating up the Biden koolaid. Have like 90% of the posts be total yes-dems, anti-trump type shit.; No platform, no policy, just vapid cheerleading. Then have like 10% (or even less) of the content be somewhat more to the left (AOC and the squad, medicare 4 all), with some of that slightly leftist content being shares from other pages which are running the same 90/10 plan, but just slightly more to the left with their main content as they draw from other pages that are doing the same thing. Right? So you've got this internal circle of lib-supreme pages dropping memes focused on all the heavy hitters of the democratic party and then outer rings of content that gradually get more and more radical . If you want to get really tricky you could even monitor who is liking/sharing what and unlike them from the inner pages as they like/share more and more stuff from the outer pages.

        Basically, we need a whole ecosystem designed to funnel libs to the left. If there isn't a pipeline available and we're always going to be fighting against silicon valley's bias to the right wing then we gotta build our own pipeline that exploits the system to change the narrative. Anyone who is into reading should really check out Dark Money by Jane Mayer to understand how the Kochtopus works and what the right is doing. Those fucks are even donating school worksheets for holidays like labor day that focus on individuality instead of unions and shit like that.

        I say this having attempted something similar using random meme pages. Anime type shit, comic books, and video games. I had over a hundred meme pages (some from my collection of 1800+ total pages from a previous project) before facebook kicked me off for a dmca takedown third strike. My Hero Academia Page? Here's an Our Hero Academia meme. Etc.

  • btbt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I’d be worried about a potential increase in vaushites

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      I'm not shy in admitting that I'm no fan of Vaush, but people who listen to Vaush are at least exposed to some leftist ideas, certainly more than they'd every hear in their day-to-day lives probably, and that's still objectively better than nothing. I was a huge ContraPoints fan when I first started transitioning up until very early last year, which resulted in me having some F tier takes about transgender and nonbinary people in terms of pronouns, passing, gender expression, etc. Obviously I grew out of those shit takes as I continued down the leftist pipeline and my transition, but my point is that the exposure will continue to direct them down the pipeline.

      Maybe I'm being hopeful but I think a lot of stupidpol folk will grow out of their bullshit. It's easy to look at the state of the world under capitalism and deny that Marx was wrong, and they have that right so far - that's a huge step forward. I think a lot of them are probably respectful people in real life but still have that anonymous 4chan edginess to them; they likely haven't yet connected the dots that ridding the world of capitalism won't simultaneously rid the world of generationally ingrained minority disparagement.

      All this to say, I don't think it's a huge deal so long as we remain vigilant in educating people. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    This is diabolical but it has to be radical enough to avoid breadtubers being in the recommendations. Breadtubers are not included in the radical content recommendations so as long as you're showing people cool shit like Parenti mixes and Hakim and Bayarea415 you're probably in a good spot.

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      Eh. I think breadtubers are just a stepping stone down the pipeline. They build rapport with uninformed libs by having a lot of shit takes in common with them, thus serving as a comforting gateway to leftism, in my opinion. I started with ContraPoints and now I'm here without shit takes, only open-mindedness and willingness to learn, hahaha.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago

        What's between Contra and Chapo though?

        Obviously Hakim and Bayarea are actually FURTHER down the pipeline than ChapoChat and CTH. My concern with the Breadtubers is that there's almost nothing that exists between the Breadtubers and where we are.

        This is a problem because it means the only thing that we have going for us to pipeline them our way is being way less uptight and way more fun. Often this means we're only discovered through sheer luck.

        The other side of this is that Chapo and CTH are ANGRILY opposed within breadtuber communities. Those communities hate and villify us on the regular, actively taking part in trying to NOT pipeline people further down the line. This is in contrast with what we do as a community because I'm actually really happy to tell people they should check out things that are deeper, like lemmygrad and so on. MTC was the next step from CTH for example and I'd encourage people to go to it even if I spent the bulk of my time on the subreddit.

        Breadtube is only accidentally part of the pipeline and it does everything it possibly can to stop people from going any deeper. It feels opposed to everything to its left, they are not working in solidarity with the movement.