If you just start sending your friends leftist content on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc and they actually watch or engage with it, wouldn't the recommendation algorithms on these platforms eventually begin showing them that sort of content on its own? I mean, if that's the case, nothing is stopping us from spamming friends and family with leftist content until the algorithms do the rest for us, right? I assume this is how a lot of us ended up here, I know it's how I did for sure, haha. 🧐🧐

Not to sound like I'm trying to take the lazy or easy approach to radicalizing people, but the left is no where near as organized as the right and things are going to get a lot worse at this rate. Just trying to think of a logical and efficient way to use these tools to our advantage to rapidly send people down the lib to left pipeline, lol.

I'm not saying use ChapoChat as a leftist propaganda network... Unless... 😳👉👈

  • btbt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I’d be worried about a potential increase in vaushites

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      I'm not shy in admitting that I'm no fan of Vaush, but people who listen to Vaush are at least exposed to some leftist ideas, certainly more than they'd every hear in their day-to-day lives probably, and that's still objectively better than nothing. I was a huge ContraPoints fan when I first started transitioning up until very early last year, which resulted in me having some F tier takes about transgender and nonbinary people in terms of pronouns, passing, gender expression, etc. Obviously I grew out of those shit takes as I continued down the leftist pipeline and my transition, but my point is that the exposure will continue to direct them down the pipeline.

      Maybe I'm being hopeful but I think a lot of stupidpol folk will grow out of their bullshit. It's easy to look at the state of the world under capitalism and deny that Marx was wrong, and they have that right so far - that's a huge step forward. I think a lot of them are probably respectful people in real life but still have that anonymous 4chan edginess to them; they likely haven't yet connected the dots that ridding the world of capitalism won't simultaneously rid the world of generationally ingrained minority disparagement.

      All this to say, I don't think it's a huge deal so long as we remain vigilant in educating people. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.