This election is really about who loves the police more

  • Mike_Penis [any]
    4 years ago

    yes. he won't really say anything about police reform except for telling them to shoot people in the legs. Personally I think "defund" should be changed to "disarm". let them only have less than lethal weapons. Although i guess that won't really help with cops kneeling on people and asphyxiating them.

    SWAT can deal with things like right wing psychos doing more mass shootings etc.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think when people say defund the police, they mean city budgets. For decades now, many cities have been defunding emergency services and mental health professionals, all to increase the budget for police departments.

      If they defund the police, they can spread the money around and get emergency services back up and running. There is no reason why we should have police being called to situations with suicidal situations and them waving guns around and escalating it. Terms like "suicide by cop" shouldn't even exist.

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don't think anyone who says defund thinks that there won't be a plan to replace with something else.

      It's a lib talking point that thinks that defunding means that we literally want to just cancel police and then see how it goes.

      This is in strict planning alongside unarmed, well trained, alternative services that will use the budget instead.