This website is like 100% "don't vote" stuff, but shouldn't we? Like... if our DemSoc comrades are asking us to get out and vote, shouldn't we do so out of solidarity?

Someone explain to me why this is a bad thing. Cause i'm legit not seeing it.

  • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    YES you should have solidarity with demsocs. It is entirely fine to vote Biden to make a demsoc happy.

    Ok, for the people in the back: who an individual votes for DOES. NOT. MATTER. Like objectively. Mathematically.

    Voting isn't magic and not voting doesn't break a spell. It is absolute libshit to be like "a demsoc voting for La Riva is a comrade but Biden voting demsocs aren't comrades". There is zero difference between the two actions because it only matters in the world of bourgeois civic mythology. There is zero MATERIAL difference between the two actions.

    Do demsocs organize? Yes. Do they effectively work on projects every socialist universally would prefer, unions, universal healthcare, green new deal? Yes

    I'm an MLM and right now the only framework available for me to work in is the DSA. There is large overlap between democratic socialism and Marxism. Plus I would bet that the majority of future Marxists are right now demsocs.

    You should express solidarity with demsocs. And if you vote for Biden, so fucking what? What kind of torturous lib fake socialists would judge you for that?

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Do demsocs organize? Yes. Do they effectively work on projects every socialist universally would prefer, unions, universal healthcare, green new deal? Yes

      More fundamentally, they're willing to seriously criticize capitalism. Whoever's willing to do that is a comrade. If you disagree with them on methods or policies, you try to have a real conversation with them about that, but you don't refuse to work with them.

      What we need to watch out for are Elizabeth Warren types who feign leftist ideas but then reveal they're "capitalist to [their] bones" when pressed.

      • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
        4 years ago

        yeah that's extremely true. Voting for whatever reason actually is a huge and reliable signal for a lot of- I dunno- traits? Acculturation?

        I've heard results where voting behavior is even heritable. Who you vote for might actually have something to say about your genes.

        Voting is significant but not in the one way people insist it is. It's a huge signal though.