completely serious, i know it’s lib shit but i just don’t know why.

i didn’t like biden or trump so i just didn’t vote nationally

  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    Ah yes the very academic totem of [checks notes] not telling queer people they need to be more palatable to polite cishet society so they don't fuck things up for the nazbols

    I don't have a stake in the "latinx" struggle session, some of my queer Latina friends use it as an umbrella term, I think latine is also fine and it's not really my place to struggle that one out I just take my cues from the people I'm talking to. That's not what I take issue with.

    It was just an example in your argument, which was "socially nonconforming people are easy scapegoats for reactionaries as part of the fash pipeline, so they should just conform instead" which is stupid for many reasons including that the fash will pick another target if the one they're scapegoating goes away or becomes more culturally mainstream. And telling people to not be themselves is extremely shitty.