Rebooting the megathread because that last image wasn't doing it for me.

Posting megathreads with a dedicated account now. Will hopefully stop my inbox from self-destructing. If someone else would like to create the megathread in the future, just dm me and we'll make it happen.

Please welcome our newest comms:

:thinkin-lenin: ! :thinkin-lenin:

🥤 ! 🥤

:specter: ! :specter:

🛠️! 🛠️

:inshallah: ! :inshallah:

AMAC and ACAB, sort by new.

Yesterday's megathread

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THEORY; it's good for what ails you:

Curated by our very own @redblackgold; all kinds of tendencies inside!

Protest Feeds

  • clover [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I know we’re not technically in quarantine, but all this time indoors disconnected from my friends and school is taking me back to those two and a half years where I dropped out and did absolutely nothing with my life but hide in my room all day. It really doesn’t feel great considering how well things were going for me just before COVID and that there’s no end in sight to the pandemic. Wish I could just hibernate til this is all over.