But actually not

  • communiste [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    this is probably super obvious to everyone here, but i'm just thinking out loud. so if any of these international agreements was going to accomplish anything, we would already have seen some results. since that's obviously not the case per this chart and uhhh every other chart on the climate, it's more than clear that we've reached the end of bourgeois democracy's capacity to stop climate change. (it's a meaningless distinction whether it's their capacity to stop it vs willingness to stop it; both are obviously at zero lol and because they're committed to capitalism, they can never abandon the extraction economy).

    basically we've had decades to hear what the plan is from the people in charge, and it turns out the plan is literally to let the planet melt and just "manage" the results. we can see that many international agreements have come before and failed to stop climate change. that's enough evidence to project that future agreements under bourgeois rule will be similar failures. in fact, it kind of seems like that might be the actual point of these weak-ass pinky swear agreements: to waste our time and our activist energy and just delay the panic for a few more years. so therefore, we must conclude that all activist efforts that are currently getting funnelled towards yet more international agreements are completely wasted. it's a dead end by design, much the same way that the Democrats in the US have been called the "graveyard of movements".

    in conclusion, :a-guy:

    • NationalizeMSM [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      It should be noted that each of these agreements are opposed by the US when they are first written and have some mandatory actions. The is makes them remove that language and votes with it only when it's a recommendation. So if you look for nuance, it's not as dismal as you think. European countries add well as the powerhouses in Asia have been willing to make the sacrifices. So it's not capitalism exactly that's to blame. It's the US.

  • Dumpster_fire_pants [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It's OK the galaxy brains at futurology will use capitalism to come up with an expensive 'solution' that is guaranteed to make Elon musk more money and somehow do nothing

  • Lovely_sombrero [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The cost of health insurance in the US is similar, the arrow "Obamacare happens here" just points at a seemingly random point in an uninterrupted growth graph.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    cognitive impairment due to high CO2 concentrations will definitely help us get out of this mess

  • Jewish_Cuban [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    If this isn't evidence that these international "agreements" to curb the climate catastrophe have failed I don't know what is. Over and over we simply wait and wait for things to change, but they don't. We will all suffer the consequences for the brash over exploitation of our planet and the ones who force this hell upon us don't or potentially won't see retribution for it. I don't understand how something this extreme cannot simply drive people over the edge. The system has failed us and we will die for it. What can be done about this? Are we just supposed to sit here and wait calmly for when the conditions around us worsen to the point where it actually matters? When we are jarred from our t.v's and games and milque toast elections that do nothing to really help. I don't know what I wanted the point of this rant to be but damn am I depressed and pissed. We're truly powerless to fix this issue unless we can suddenly convince everyone that something has to be done now. It's fucking hopeless and I know that's completely unrealistic to expect something like that to happen. This is truly an example of having no mouth but having to scream.

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is it bad that I saw the line and just assumed it was COVID

  • yourmomgay28 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Why are you even worrying? Biden wants carbon neutral in 30 years.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Capitalist governments do this all the time, set a target to make it look like you're doing something but keep moving the date and goal so you never actually have to do it.

    • StalinistApologist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      oil drilling for decades, fracking, cow farts, deforestation, the US military, airline industry, shipping industry, coal industry, cars, burning incense candles for you candlelit bath

      i dont know about where the graph is from

    • Raytheon [any]
      4 years ago


    • ass [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      to me it looks kinda like a big bump right before the kyoto protocol, and then it goes back to the normal slope