• OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      100% agree and exactly how I see it.

      Biden is going to inherit the worst US economy and greatest unemployment since the great depression. His solution to this? Austerity. His staff were pretty open about budget cuts before the election and they were already blaming Trump for "defunding the government and leaving us broke". The pandemic is so bad right now and as soon as he is inaugurated, he's going to be expected to push some COVID relief bill and do something about even more job losses, and of course he isn't going to do anything.

      I think this will definitely sink the Dems cause Biden don't have the charisma of Obama and they are expected to actually do something this time around. Once Trump is a distant memory, no one is going to want to hear them blaming it on him.

      Kamala couldn't even poll better than 13% all during the primaries and she lost her own state. She's going to get obliterated in 2024 by whatever fascist the GOP pushes.

        • OhWell [he/him]
          4 years ago

          That's pretty spot on with my own predictions I've been posting on here for over a month. Like you, I think he is going to be gunning for cutting social security. He's spent his entire life trying to do that and he has already hinted to it months ago with his talk about "loop holes" in social security, which turned out to be a scheme he's planned that will tax people benefiting from it from pre-existing medical conditions. Biden has also hinted that he's going to go after Medicare and Medicaid, and his idea is to just replace it with the ACA and put more funding into that.

          The point is that whoever is in charge will be the one dealing with horrific news stories and the collective trauma / anger / confusion of all the denialists and out-to-brunch folks demanding action and answers; people who genuinely won’t understand that the time to act was months ago and nothing can slow this down now. That, the austerity Biden will enact, and the general economic slowdown of this last year will kick off another Great Depression.

          I've been predicting for a while that as a result of this next depression, the austerity and all the rage, there is going to be new reactionary far right movement. It will come as a result of these things like you said, and they are going to be far scarier than the Tea Party from 2008 or Trump. We haven't seen anything yet, but it's coming. I think part of their drive is going to be some serious anti-government sentiment, cause Biden represents the status quo and we're already starting to see a bit of anti-government stuff coming back.

          Before all the protests back in June, Biden was already running a "law and order" campaign straight out of the 90s. His staff originally wanted Klobachar for VP until the George Floyd killing and the reveal that she let Chauvin off years ago and refused to investigate the MPD when it was brought to her desk. They still ran this law and order campaign, going with Harris instead. They're going to lay the groundwork for our future fascist dictatorship. They'll push for more authoritarian laws as a way to go after protesters and all of what they build is going to be used by our future fascist president.

  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hey remember when no one liked her and she got zero traction in the primary? Democracy!

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    how could we have known the 9th most popular candidate would be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    • livingperson2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I think she'll be president by the end of 2021, honestly. Mofo is gonna croak. Better or worse option? Who tf knows? One of them says there are at least 3 genders, the other puts her pronouns in her twitter bio, and neither takes class issues seriously enough.

  • thelasthoxhaist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the cop is now Vice president and the dems candidate for the 2024 precidential election and bernie isnt even gonna be in biden's cabinet after he keep holding rallies for him, bernie aprove the bombing of yugoslavia in 1991 to make the dems happy, and the only thing he gets is getting thrown under the bus to explain why biden almost lost, this is what liberalism does to you

    • redterror [he/him]
      4 years ago

      yeah, but he was better than AOC in some ways. Like he defended Castro, thats based

  • maccruiskeen [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I mean thats what happens when u only have one candidate who actually wants a tiny bit of change verses a dozen who are all on the same side basically. It doesn't matter who wins as long as Bernie loses, that was the main goal, so this meme would have aged poorly regardless