• diode [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Masturbation is also worse than rape if I understand this shit correctly.

      • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yes, and don't forget that rape is more "natural" than masturbation. It's just math!

        • diode [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          In the amazing 4 dimensional clown ethics model murder is a one dimensional sin, rape is a two dimensional sin and masturbation a three dimensional sin. Maybe at that point the theology expert should have realized what bullshit has been produced here.

    • gay [any]
      4 years ago

      Wait till you find out they don't believe you can rape your spouse

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If God existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.

    -Mikhail Bakunin

  • SowTheWind [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Jesus this is awful. What I hate the most is the pretentiousness. Calling things "dimensions" to sound smart when you mean "category in a list of things I just made up". Using math symbols as if it makes your rambling more profound. Hey I used 1 and 0 instead of saying "is this and is not this". It's in brackets too, so you can't understand it unless you're a math genius like me.

    • Bloodshot [he/him,any]
      4 years ago

      I mean

      They are vectors. You write them in brackets. They have dimensionality, like, that's what it's called.

      Not that it isn't pretentious, or that the analogy of Euclidean distance lends anything to his assertions

    • zxcvbnm [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Seems like it's all or nothing if it's the same orifice. In for a penny...

  • Blarglefargle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ah yes, tech bro Catholics, the worst kind. I spent 3 weeks hiking in Spain with fuckers like this AMA

      • Blarglefargle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Boy did they! One was obsessed with proving philosophically that Muslims were evil. One was obsessed how history apparently proved that the crusades were justified. A couple were cool loner types who just liked hiking and were very worldly. One was obsessed with the history of Latin and how the church went downhill since it stopped being used.

        • qublics [they/them,she/her]
          4 years ago

          Such a complete and utter waste of time that is distracting people from having any coherent ethical beliefs or politics at all.
          "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."

      • Blarglefargle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Honestly gained more then lost. Thalamus is beautiful and the people i met walking were great. Plus speaking with them just confirmed that I was not into that conservative fundamental Catholic BS and was more of a liberation theology guy. on

  • eXAt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Finally an application for my intro linear algebra!

  • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    However, on a practical level, you are right to say that we must work to suppress heterosexual sin as well, because it is from heterosexuals that homosexuals take their license to sin. How much sin have heterosexuals committed in the name of "love", and how much ammunition have they given the LGB types with that word?

    I'm about to go full flying spaghetti monster over here

  • p_sharikov [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Suddenly le epic reddit atheists don’t seem so bad

    I don't know, /r/samharris was talking about South African farm murders today. They're not doing so great either.

    • Blarglefargle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Crazy Catholics believe that if your fuck can’t cause another, tiny Catholic to be created, it’s sinful.

      • gay [any]
        4 years ago

        That's not a crazy Catholic thing though? It's a pretty basic cath belief. No birth control, no masturbation, no gay sex and all… just because many do it anyways doesn't mean it's an uncommon belief lol.

        • Blarglefargle [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The more “liberal” or left Catholics ease up on this. Thomas Merton flat out said that if you think gay sex is more sinful then masturbarion you are wrong, and a lot of jesuit thinkers have talked about the overhype for madtuebation for ages.

          I think this is in general a huge issue with Catholics measuring sins. Because this shit shown here is the logical conclusion.

      • Ketamine_device_tech [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Crazy Catholics believe that if your fuck can’t cause another, tiny Catholic to be created, it’s sinful.

        that's not crazy, in fact it's perfectly consistent with the mainstream pro-natalist ideology of liberalism.

    • gay [any]
      4 years ago

      Catholics believe that thinking of commiting a sin is the same as acting on it "I confess that I have sinned in my thoughts, my words and my deeds… through my fault, my most grievous fault".

      I don't know how a gay couple who doesn't have sex (and isn't asexual) would avoid like… being horny every once in a while. It would be a life of sin for them if they stay together.

    • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      What happened is these people are completely delusional. I don't even think it's motivated reasoning, if that were the case I'd expect more anger.

      • gay [any]
        4 years ago

        Listening the modern Pope speak like "I do not… not think queers are people" and Anglo libs go nuts over it is an experience.

        • Ahhhtheflood [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          To be the devil's advocate here there are a ton of catholics in the world and the pope expressing even a small amount of tolerance may help some of them to rethink their beliefs on gay people

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's wrong but it's the same as adultery/premarital sex, essentially.

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I dunno, that just makes it sound hotter.

    Should never have taught the catholics flow charts tho.

    • MagisterSinister [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I dunno, that just makes it sound hotter.

      That's the point. After all, it's Catholicism we're talking about. Their entire business model breaks down if you don't constantly commit hot sins you can then confess and atone for.

  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The more things you can think of that you don't like about a thing, the worse it is than regular old heterosexual rape

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    I don't know shit about math but this makes a lot of sense to me.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The weirdest thing is that there is like 0 reason to do the weird math analogy. It adds nothing. It would be like saying "this is like a butane molecule, because it is made up of many smaller parts". Completely unnecessary. All this says is "sins are equally bad so if you have more it is worse".

    • VernetheJules [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Tldr let's do a "points system" for sins, where every sin can be constructed out of a relatively small subcategory of sins.

      I am very intelligent.