• notthenameiwant [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Cenk is a union buster who screams at workers over the mildest inconvenience. He's a piece of shit with a progressive veneer to people who aren't paying attention.

    No idea where his co-hosts are on the political scale though.

    • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      ana kasparian has been getting more radicalized. she was doing a show with michael brooks up until he passed on jacobin's youtube. with her new co-host I feel like she's amped up her anti-corporate rhetoric and has adopted some marxists terminology.

      but yes cenk is trash. this might not mean much to y'all, but his pro-war stance on the nagorno-karabagh war made him irredeemable to me. theres no such thing as a comrade who supports aggression in ethnic conflicts which might lead to cleansings...its the most basic litmus test for me.

      I'll give hasan piker credit for having a good take on that war.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Who the fuck isn't solidly on the side of Armenia in that war?

        • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          turks. like 95% of them. being a speaker of the language, seeing how excited they are to go to war, it's hard to remain optimistic. I might unironically be a stalinist.

      • PeterTheAverage [he/him]
        4 years ago

        John Ladarola is obviously a lib but he isn't so bad either as part of the beginning of the pipeline. It's really Cenk that's bringing everyone else down.

    • Caocao [he/him]
      4 years ago

      he said the US military was socialism lmao