• Rojo27 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I used to think that TYT was a good gateway for libs to become leftist, but I'm starting to doubt its even capable of the most mild push left.

    • notthenameiwant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Cenk is a union buster who screams at workers over the mildest inconvenience. He's a piece of shit with a progressive veneer to people who aren't paying attention.

      No idea where his co-hosts are on the political scale though.

      • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        ana kasparian has been getting more radicalized. she was doing a show with michael brooks up until he passed on jacobin's youtube. with her new co-host I feel like she's amped up her anti-corporate rhetoric and has adopted some marxists terminology.

        but yes cenk is trash. this might not mean much to y'all, but his pro-war stance on the nagorno-karabagh war made him irredeemable to me. theres no such thing as a comrade who supports aggression in ethnic conflicts which might lead to cleansings...its the most basic litmus test for me.

        I'll give hasan piker credit for having a good take on that war.

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          4 years ago

          Who the fuck isn't solidly on the side of Armenia in that war?

          • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            turks. like 95% of them. being a speaker of the language, seeing how excited they are to go to war, it's hard to remain optimistic. I might unironically be a stalinist.

        • PeterTheAverage [he/him]
          4 years ago

          John Ladarola is obviously a lib but he isn't so bad either as part of the beginning of the pipeline. It's really Cenk that's bringing everyone else down.

      • Caocao [he/him]
        4 years ago

        he said the US military was socialism lmao

      • vorenza [any]
        4 years ago

        To pursue a way more lucrative streaming career?

        • throwawaylemmy2 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          His "streaming" didn't take off for a while. He basically left a "sure-job" to try it and his streams were like sub-2K at the time. It's only after the Twitch ban (IIRC) that he started to pick up steam on Twitch.

          I don't knock his work ethic (10+ hour streams a day) but I highly doubt "making Twitch money" was at the top of his list for leaving his Uncle's network.

          • ElGosso [he/him]
            4 years ago

            2k is still a pretty massive twitch stream all things considered

          • vorenza [any]
            4 years ago

            No i remember it, he went part-time at 2-3K subs, he fully left some time after Crenshaw incident(when he had 7-8K subs)

        • Manaanwasgreat [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Hasan is the left wing version of Jesse Lee Peterson. Both incredibly stupid but can be kinda funny at times.

    • FireAxel [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I started my journey with TYT back in 2016 when Bernie first ran, but haven't watched in like 3 years since I moved on to better online news shows, but man, I honestly don't remember it being this bad.

      I occasionally see a clip or a Cenk tweet and I'm amazed that I used to think that I was a "radical" for watching TYT and thinking CNN sucked lol. Now I find it laughable that anybody would consider TYT "radical."

      I mean, sure, better them than CNN and MSNBC, but still, it's very mild "leftism" (big fucking quotes).

      Ana seemed cool when she'd go on Michael Brooks' show at least.

      • ComradeMikey [he/him]
        4 years ago

        tbh it is radical when you’re only options are msnbc and cnn jesus christ. i had the same trajectory tbh so i don’t blame you

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Now we're going to find out who she is,

    imagine being this much of a fucking chump. we found out who Neera was a long time ago

  • HarryLime [any]
    4 years ago

    Now I'm missing the Neera account from the old sub. I unironically fell for their bit once.

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    4 years ago

    u/Neera_Tanden was an incredibly good poster, however, @neeratanden is a horrid opportunist neoliberal ghoul Cenk, you fucking dipshit

    • Crucible [he/him]
      4 years ago

      A personal friend and political operative of the Clintons, liberal thinktank nutjob, regular guest on Bill Maher, and target of early Chapo. She suggested that Libya should pay the US in oil money for 'helping' get rid of Ghaddafi

      • screwthisdumbcrap [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        paying for the privilege of having literal slave markets in the 21st century

        Christ I knew she had hot takes but wow

      • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
        4 years ago

        Reminds me of when the US took control over, I think Haiti's trade department and got sugar profits for "helping secure" elections there in like 1900.

      • ARVSPEX [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Xi, please.

        I will even forego my XiCoins for the next couple of months in exchange.

  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I've never watched tyt or listened to him at all, but has he ever been "good"? or has he always been like this lol

    • TankieDukakis [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I think I listened to tyt a few times in 2016. I tuned in for a bit election night this year and actually wanted to kms. Hard simping for Biden and Dems.

      At least in 2016 I somewhat remember them being more critical.

      Guess they're just shit now.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    He was pretty funny going on off roger stone in get me roger stone

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    God, I remember when I thought the young turks were so cutting edge and radical