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  • jareducation [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Will never forget the people that claimed that Lenin would’ve voted for Biden during this election. The absolute state of the American left.

    • SisuMarx [he/him]
      4 years ago

      File a police report and hit up their social media, they'll probably buckle

  • oshaviolator [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hey I've been a lurker here but want to post now. I got some pop-up error message ("score_too_low") when I tried to create a post, is there something else I have to do?

  • Importantguy123 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Guys, my wage slave “everybody clapped and Einstein was there too” moment finally happened. My fat fuck manager (he isn’t a fat fuck because he’s actually fat, he’s a fat fuck cause he’s a manager) “joked” about deducting half an hour’s pay just cause I lifted some soup and bread (which is $6+ to customers) from the drive thru when I clocked out even tho it’s literally the quickest substantial meal we can make at the store. Here’s how it went:

    FFM: Haha you’re stealing that bowl of soup and bread I see, you gonna pay for that?

    Me: I left my wallet at home, Mybad. [proceeds to make food anyway]

    FFM: If you don’t pay for that, then I think that I’ll just have to take it outta your check, maybe take an half an hour?

    Me, verbatim: I’ll unionize this bitch right now..

    FFM, pretending to not hear: Haha... what was that?

    Me: [repeats]

    FFM: But, you can’t get away with stealing! It’s against policy!

    Me: So I’m stealing by taking excess inventory? All the soufflés and bagels I throw away every morning would cause me to get wrote up if I ate some of those too?

    FFM: So your telling me that you’ve eaten out of the dumpster?

    Me: [gets bored with the convo and take the soup anyways]

    Big shout out to my female coworker who tried to cover for me by saying that I was basically joking or some shit, I really wasn’t, but I appreciate it. For reference, I don’t expect to work a 6-8 hour shift and go home hungry. Idk maybe I’m just an entitled 20- something slacker fuck up and I should be grateful for living in a state with enlightened “right to work” laws

  • danksobotka [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Just got back from the local gas station bc I wanted a snack, literally nobody wearing a mask except for me and the cashier. There were three full families with children not social distancing. People are acting like this shit is over yet we’re at the point where 3000 people are dying of it DAILY. I just can’t even. What is wrong with people. How are they so fucking callous. They’re not breaking any mask mandate either which is worse, officials have called it a “personal choice” here. I hate the fucking suburbs, I’m surrounded by rotten mayonnaise. :agony-yehaw:

  • post_trains [he/him]
    4 years ago

    What's the kind of pilled where you believe Ghislaine Maxwell was actually the former reddit world news mod MaxwellHill who otherwise completely coincidentally stopped a long, frequent posting career the day she was arrested. It's just so dumb and sad it has to be true.

  • anthm17 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Kinda want to appropriate the bit of just calling people ecofascists for reasons that make no sense.