like whenever u see one of my posts are u like "omfg this dipshit again" or am i invisible to like 99% of u. very curious about How I Am Perceived as i see a lot of other regulars on here that i recognize whenever they post. i think having no pfp's also hinders this, for me especially as like 99% of how i build a picture of someone is what their online persona is and if someone keeps switching pfp's or has like 30 different fursonas, i have a hard time keeping track of them lol

    • bilb [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Easy for you to say. All of your posts are distinguished with the scarlet letter of the adulterer!

    • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      lol sorry if it came off that way, i've had this thought stuck in my head for a couple days and wanted to post

    • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Power users rise up and throw off your chains the mods cannot stop us at

    • KamalaHarrisPOTUS [he/him]
      4 years ago

      admin can u help me get back into my old account bamboo68, i didnt set a recovery for it and the fucking google thing kicked me out after setting up a password that stopped working

      i can message u on reddit to confirm id but the proofs in the posts

    • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      lol i actually pronounce it like kelp, but legit everyone pronounces it like u do and i think its kinda funny

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Huh, I always thought of it as kelp with a q. Can totally relate to people butchering pronunciation but I don't care because this is a made up name and as long as I know someone is addressing me idgaf how they pronounce it.

  • 240p [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I keep a brick on my desk specifically for wacking my head with after a long chapo browsing session, that way I don't remember anyone's usernames and I can judge each post on its own merit

  • BillyMays [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There’s probably about 30 of you I recognize. You’re one of them.

  • Zoift [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I recognize the username, that's about it. Mentally filed as a poster in good standing.

      • Zoift [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Alright, I'm scroll back through & yeah, you make good posts. Good job.

        • Qelp [they/them,she/her]
          4 years ago

          omg wait u made the fucking geese post thats why i recognized you LMAO

          • Zoift [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I've thought about actually catching one & documenting prepping it here, but im pretty sure the vegan half of Chapo would swat me.

            Plus i don't really have the free time.

  • Indifference_Engine [comrade/them, any]
    4 years ago

    I'm dumb, easily distracted, and high 60% of the time I'm here, so the only one of you I recognize is 7deadlyfetishes because they put their name in the part of the post I look at.

  • bilb [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Nobody with a four-letter handle is worth noticing or remembering tbh

      • bilb [he/him]
        4 years ago


        I do wish we could have small user icons. And to answer your original question I definitely recognize your name, at least.

    • Duo [any]
      4 years ago

      what about a three letter username?

  • cilantrofellow [any]
    4 years ago

    I recognize your name, but I don’t have a visceral reaction to it like some others