• keki_ya [none/use name]
    4 年前

    Wtf this is just religion at this point. You have to denounce the Socialism Satan and uphold the will of the Capitalist Gods as a prerequisite to have any chance at winning an election.

    I know this is a basic-ass take but man is it just weird to me

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 年前


  • YeForPrez2020 [he/him]
    4 年前

    Crazy that this ghoulish gal is still gonna win because there's an R in front of her name. Kelly Loeffler is what happens when a marketing team designs a human being ⛷

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    4 年前

    Yeah, I watched the thing and he didn't refuse. He recognized the exact words of the demand as a rhetorical trap and then redirected it against her. In response to being too socialist, he responded "I love capitalism more than you do. You love banks."

    The conservative lady set up the question so that she could frame him poorly no matter what he said. If he had said something like "I hereby declare Marxism a big stinky shit" her tweet would instead read like "Reverend Warnock says he renounces socialism, but his history suggests otherwise" and now she'll be in the position to frame him as both a liar and a communist.

  • heqt1c [he/him]
    4 年前

    To be fair he diverted to "free market enterprise", but still.

      • heqt1c [he/him]
        4 年前

        I honestly think people should say "Reform the Police" and when asked what they mean by that just say "Reduce their budget and spend it on useful things, like education, community centers, and public health" lol

        If people say "Isn't that defunding?"

        "I wouldn't say that is defunding, I would call that a reinvestment"

        Use the capitalist lingo to their own detriment.

        • hotcouchguy [he/him]
          4 年前

          "Police should have to meet performance-based metrics from now on, and demonstrate that they're creating more marginal value than other municipal services"

          • ComradeComradeConrad [comrade/them]
            4 年前

            We should only fund police officers who are Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities.

        • zangorn [none/use name]
          4 年前

          Exactly this. A lot of experts are saying the "defund the police" slogan hurt Biden and Democrats. And to a degree its true, but not because people are all afraid of the changes we want. Its because they are misled by the media and conservatives to think they are crazy anarchists who want no police and for criminals to run wild. Thats how the right responds to "defund the police" and it puts us on the back foot. "reform the police" is better. When presented with the explanation, most people will support it, and a few will say "oh you mean defund, durr thats bad." Its about framing the debate first.

        • heqt1c [he/him]
          4 年前

          I think he's a lib, and not even a particularly good lib... but for "Senate Democrat" standards, I think he's on the better end of the spectrum. Certainly better than whats his face from Alabama.

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 年前

    Going to be funny when warnock wins and ossof loses and then that's also the left's fault

      • KamalaHarrisPOTUS [he/him]
        4 年前

        anyways wanna support our astroturfed white shitlib? or the bernie endorsed semi-good for a ga dem reverend?

  • Caocao [he/him]
    4 年前

    Loeffler's perpetual smirk makes me irrationally angry