He floated Rahm fucking Emmanuel. It's possible. The Biden administration has made it clear they don't give a fuck about popular opinion on their picks.
Snyder endorsed Biden. There was no disavowal from the Biden campaign. There was zero media pressure to disavow. A fucking murderer endorsed Biden and the party line was "Wow, even certain Republicans can't deny that Trump is nuts!"
How have they not started lynching politicians yet? Honestly what the fuck.
How the fuck has the statute of limitations for prosecuting the people responsible fucking passed before they got their fucking water
Honestly, I'd be surprised if Rick Snyder didn't end up with a Cabinet position under Biden or Harris.
If he gets a cabinet position I will do something the posting of which will get me in trouble.
He MaDe ToUgH deCiSioNs tO bALaNcE tHe bUdGeT
He floated Rahm fucking Emmanuel. It's possible. The Biden administration has made it clear they don't give a fuck about popular opinion on their picks.
Snyder endorsed Biden. There was no disavowal from the Biden campaign. There was zero media pressure to disavow. A fucking murderer endorsed Biden and the party line was "Wow, even certain Republicans can't deny that Trump is nuts!"
democrats dropped the case, which is what they always do, they are not a real opposition party they are controlled opposition.