That's the post

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeh Seder is capitalist realism in human form. Constantly complaining about the US system but no theory of how to change it except within that same broken system. I put it on sometimes when I’m doing other things because I like the format and there’s not really a truly leftist version of that kind of show. I kind of use it as a way of keeping up with what the libs are talking about this week.

    I don’t think he’s a grifter, it seems like he’s acting in good faith he just has terminal lib brain. I do like that he at least tries to have some co-hosts that are further left than him, like Jamie who is a literal communist. And the fact that he does that makes me think he’s one of the good libs. Obviously Michael Brooks dying was a huge loss to the show too.

    In a perfect world Sam Seder would be the extreme right wing of political discourse lol, the old lib grandpa that we keep around from the old days.

    • moist [any]
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • MonarchLabsOne [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This Is Hell is kind of the left-er version of the Majority Report, but still not that great.

    • KurdKobein [any]
      4 years ago

      I looked and most of it is just bitching about that Jimmy Dore guy.

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hot Take: Majority Report is part of the Lib to Left pipeline and works very well.

    It has a host who's a communist and she, along with others, normalize the leftist discourse. Michael Brooks (rip) was incredible. Not to mention the wealth of guests they bring on every week. Reporters, authors, professors, politicians, podcasters (including our favorite Texan boy) spanning from well-meaning liberals to genuine leftists. Their reading list is an incredible source of information that would radicalize anyone who's not already a communist, and even do us a lot of good to read.

    • Papanurgel [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Lib to radlib is what you mean.

      Michael brooks was to good for that show.

      • PhaseFour [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Michael Brooks was perfect for the show given how many people it reaches.

  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Jamie looks like she doesn't want to be doing that shit half the time. When you walk into something with the notion that the entire system should be overturned, it's really difficult to have daily critique of the news cycle. I don't think it's possible to do a daily news coverage show with a bunch of communists. "Oh today the house finance committee did such and such." "Well the house finance committee shouldn't exist because we shouldn't have this system in the first place." That could be the answer to literally everything. It's probably part of the reason why Brooks was so amazing was that he was able to cover the news like he did through a socialist lens on a day to day basis.

      • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Dooooon't waaatch it? I click on it once a week because it's where I initially saw Michael Brooks.

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I like Sam, but I stopped watching when Michael Brooks passed (RIP).

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    RIP in peace the original MR trio of Sam, Michael and Jamie.

  • johnnycastaway [any]
    4 years ago

    They have their problems but a stab in the dark says they do more than you do so by all means go off king or queen.

    • Papanurgel [none/use name]
      4 years ago


      Yes the centrist report has done things. Like convince all there listeners to be civil and take it in the ass like good little people.

      • johnnycastaway [any]
        4 years ago

        exactly what are you doing to help?

        youre free to critique, but realize you're mostly just talking shit.

          • johnnycastaway [any]
            4 years ago

            organized my third brake light clinic. Rerouting my 86 year old neighbors sewer lines for free because she can't afford it, because I've known her for my entire life, and I hold a plumbing license. Doing plumbing work for free for people in my neighborhood because I live in a ghetto and most of my neighbors are elderly, disabled or dirt fucking poor. Cooking for the unhoused in my neighborhood's local shelter a couple times a month when I'm not on call or working. Attempting to get the plumbing shop I work at unionized.

            • Papanurgel [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Awesome dude. I've been donating food to feed the unemployed here in Hawaii.

    • MonarchLabsOne [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Trying to out-activist people isn't going to work on this site, FYI. Almost everyone here has some cred. Save that shit for reddit.