Where is the selfie of her at a birthday party with 20 friends at the cheesecake factory in the middle of the pandemic?
My in laws insist we go on a cruise as soon as possible. I don't want to step foot on a cruise even when there isn't a pandemic.
Nothing like destroying the oceans to visit the ports where the cruise ship companies create a monoculture of restaurants and entertainment that is deemed safe for the rotund american families.
I went to Charleston recently and the entire pier is just chain restaurants and boutiques selling the same fast fashion as everyone else. WHY EVEN TRAVEL IF ITS JUST THE SAME GARBAGE EVERYWHERE?
terrible take. are you just trying to make yourself feel better about not being able to travel?
there's a fuckton more than chipotle in paris
We are nearing the future where Taco Bell has a monopoly on food.
It'd be funny if she was actually a huge communist but just also likes wine and being a mom.
Her posting some pic holding Das Kapital with a big thumbs up.
the perfect representative collage of the American millennial mom doesn't exi...
What a weird political compass edit: okey let's actually do this
auth-left: All Comrades Are Barking
auth-center: buch of authoritarians bombing each other back and forth
auth-right: maga-hats traveling around the world during a global pandemic
left: something something lobster god
centrists: chilling at a non-political barbeque party while the world is burning
right: intoxication good, cause lowkey kinda exhausted by capitalism.. poor people still bad.
lib-left: dangerous anarchist about to sink Boaty McBourgeoisieFace
lib-center: a happy family minutes before returning to monke
lib-right: supporting my favourite corporation! Boy I'm glad this boot I'm licking is privately owned